Anyone else feel this way


Well-Known Member
So I am out looking at the sky last night, and I have come to the conclusion that the bright ass star in the sky is a comet headed for us. I just think it is funny that all of a sudden we are able to see "jupiter" every night, and it is the brightest star out.

I have come to the conclusion that it is either a comet or asteroid headed for us, or is is the infamous planet Nibiru. What do yall think.

Oh yea, the government is covering it up so there will not be mass panic. Make sense huh.

P.S. You owe me five dollars. Dont think I forgot.


Elite Rolling Society
I walked out into the midnight,

and gazed upon the dark and cloudy sky,

and as I looked up and all around me,

I realized

I could not see a fuckin thing!


Well-Known Member
Its actually the planet Zolton, The zoltonites are coming for you so they can abduct you and probe your ass..................I swear I saw it on youtube