Anyone Else Excited about the New Conan Movie?


Well-Known Member
I was personally excited to hear they were remaking the new conan movie and Im getting more so now they have released a new trailer for the movie.


Yes I know the governator was a great conan but having read the books for some time I would love to see what a new look at Conan can produce. Im not saying Jason Momoa is going to be better or worse but different.
Dude this is the second on my Movies i want to watch this year list. Your Highness being the first. They are not following the books like i would like but what the hey.

I also like the new Conan, he doesnt look golds gym big.
This movie looks bad ass! But to be honest, Conan looks like a skinny bitch compared to Arnold. What's up with that? They couldn't find anyone larger?
Fuck a bunch of elite mother fuckers, them bastards have money and I think my 14.95 + 16.00 for coke and popcorn will do alot better helping some body in Alabama who just lost every thing.
plz, going to a movie got nothin to do with the worlds problems. go out and enjoy yourself once and a while
wow, thnx for the heads up on that green, i didnt know they were doing this remake.

Collin Farrell as the lead though? we will have to see how it looks down the road.
Fuck a bunch of elite mother fuckers, them bastards have money and I think my 14.95 + 16.00 for coke and popcorn will do alot better helping some body in Alabama who just lost every thing.
send them your money i'm going out for dinner and a movie next week end and will sleep like a baby afterward
Looks pretty cool. I hope they do a good job with it.
The guy playing Conan is the guy in Game of Thrones right? I thought I read that somewhere, but it's hard to tell in the trailer.
Loved the origional Conan Movie...
Loved the Old Robert E Howard Conan Novels...
That shit was soooo kick ass for the time.

Hope the remake can compete with them.

Loved the origional Conan Movie...
Loved the Old Robert E Howard Conan Novels...
That shit was soooo kick ass for the time.

Hope the remake can compete with them.

We'll be good as long as the Pict's don't get after us.