Anyone Else Ever Tip The Pizza Guy A Nug?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you don't want the pizza guy and his boys running up in your house trying to rob you because they think you're some kind of softie giving out nugs for tips, like you got 10 pounds in the back room chillin in there

also the law thing what above dude said.



Active Member
Yeah you don't want the pizza guy and his boys running up in your house trying to rob you because they think you're some kind of softie giving out nugs for tips, like you got 10 pounds in the back room chillin in there

also the law thing what above dude said.

very true people understate-mate other people very easily.


Well-Known Member
I would do it if there were no grows or grow plans for the next 6 months in my house and no large amounts of weed :) But cannabisguru is right, you shouldn`t take random risks. If you want to be kind give him a beer or something which is legal :)

I`m gonna toke one of them up when the times right though, like I said when I`m not too illegal :D


Active Member
I would do it if there were no grows or grow plans for the next 6 months in my house and no large amounts of weed :) But cannabisguru is right, you shouldn`t take random risks. If you want to be kind give him a beer or something which is legal :)

I`m gonna toke one of them up when the times right though, like I said when I`m not too illegal :D
being legal doesn't stop thief's


Well-Known Member
if your talking about just giving it to a random person that I've never met/seen before.. ?!? Heck no.

If its a person that I've never met or seen.. then hell no. you'd be crazy to be just giving out pot to random people.

Ladies and gentlemen.. this is another prime example of "How to get caught".

I can see you seem to be a cool person.. laid back and chill. I'm the same way man.. and I'm not here to bash you.. so lets get that out of the way.

Nor am I "attacking" you or anyone else. I simply just want to try and help people stay out of jail.. that's all.

I too am a very giving person.. I'm a legit and sincere caring person as well, but when it comes down to giving out an illegal substance to strangers

at my front doorstep.. common sense should be telling you NOT to be doing what your doing.

If you ever get busted/raided... try and remember all the people you just gave out pot to and maybe you'll be able to find out which one narc'd on ya.

Seriously everyone.. I mean, lol.. don't be giving out an illegal substance like that. Especially to total fucking strangers.. its just common sense not to do it.

Good luck bud.

I live in Northern California, and it's just pot, for crying out loud. Everybody smokes, and nobody cares. I'll never get busted or raided. I have my card, and even if I didn't, nobody cares.

It's not like I'm running a meth lab here..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Unless it's a policeman, what the fuck can anyone do against you? :) Officer, this man just gave me cannabis", oh wait a minute, he has absolutely no proof and the policeman can do absolutely nothing :) We should have a sticky detailing your rights and how the law works.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's why i odn't open my door unless i know who it is ;) Why oh why do people talk to the police if there is no warrant out on you? Just tell em to bugger off and do their job properly.


Well-Known Member
I gave a pizza guy like half a bag full once, he could not stop dropping hints about how nice my house smelled...

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i delivered Pizza's for about a year, never got a nug as a tip (would of welcomed it though) however my pizza guys now are cool as hell i only order from one place and there are two guys who deliver...i always tip well because i live in the stix, and they always get to my place in under 20 minutes from ordering....Had the comcast guy find my bong while installing cable once, he was cool and wen on to tell me how he was in a cook house a month before and they gave him $200 as a tip to keep his mouth shut..he was fishing, i just looked at him and said "yeah, you need to be careful what you tell know what i mean?" he looked at me and then the bong and said "yes, sir, i didn't see anything"


Well-Known Member
when i was a pizza delivery guy, I had people invite me in to smoke me out, for a tip, lol and if there was a sporting event going on, and i had to work through it, people would hook it up with free weed, free beer, just cause I had to miss it....... being a pizza delivery guy wasn't all bad.
once delivered to a internet porn star, answered the door but naked, to bad the story ends there, if it had been a real porno i'd gotten to bang her, but it was real life. still nice tip. ;)


Well-Known Member
when i was a pizza delivery guy, I had people invite me in to smoke me out, for a tip, lol and if there was a sporting event going on, and i had to work through it, people would hook it up with free weed, free beer, just cause I had to miss it....... being a pizza delivery guy wasn't all bad.
once delivered to a internet porn star, answered the door but naked, to bad the story ends there, if it had been a real porno i'd gotten to bang her, but it was real life. still nice tip. ;)
who is she?lol


Well-Known Member
The "set", the "camera hooked up to computer" and she was totally nude.... I know a porn set when i see one, lol, besides she said she was working, and giggled.. could have been a prostitute, but the computer made me assume internet porn star..