My rom and grapgod should be here soon. And I've had my eye on the flav for a long time.
Same here, Rom has been a dream of mine for quite awhile. But it goes a little deeper then just a love of the strain. I'm also a huuuge Star Trek Fan, so I can't wait to try a strain named for the Roman Empire (another personal topic I enjoy) of the Star Trek universe.
But, I can nerd the fuck out over some star trek, roman empire, and the such.
Was actually gonna breed some strains together, and once stabilized, I WANTED to call it "Cardassian". After the another war like race with what appears to be spoons on their head. But I got worried that people would confused it with that one reality bitch Kardashian...and decided against. In the end, i'll probley go with something like Betazoid, or Klingon.

But different strains, for different names.

Should be a fun om-age to one of my favorite series's.