Anyone doing over 3lb / 4x4 using LED's?

growing is really not all that hard especially with all the free info on the internet.

if youre diligent, have good genetics and a bit of luck its not hard to get 1 gpw with LED on your first try. on a photon basis that would be like getting 0.6-0.8 gpw with HID
Growing takes experience, don't matter what the internet says it's all about your choices.
Can i see a picture of this? I just harvested a 4x4 that had buds wall to wall and they were very large, probably got 1.5 lbs, not really any room for more weight. Plants were about 5 foot tall.
Holy shit we agree on something again! I won't believe anything over 2lb from a true 4x4 best I've done is 1.8 same situation wall to wall buds at least 5 foot tall plants I don't use co2 so maybe that could help get over 2lb.
There is 4 sections , it’s very easy to see the 2 different strains that are in the pics.
Well a door is 32in wide that canopy clearly takes up 2 doors worth of space based on that pic so I would say that's a 5.5x5.5 space. That a big difference from a walled in 4x4 space and extra 10 square feet is where the extra weight is. Wonderful looking grow but not a 4x4 I promise you that
I have friends getting over 2 from each 4x4 without co2, I however do use co2 at 1200ppm. My personal worst was 3 units from a 4x8 tent and my personal best was more than double that.
What tent? One of my tents labeled 4x8 is actually 4.5x9 I've just seen too many 4x4 that are actually bigger. Or someone uses a 4x4 tray an claims it's a 4x4 but buds are sticking a foot over every side. Most times if it sounds too good to be true it is
Holy shit we agree on something again! I won't believe anything over 2lb from a true 4x4 best I've done is 1.8 same situation wall to wall buds at least 5 foot tall plants I don't use co2 so maybe that could help get over 2lb.
Biggest limiting factor for many is square footage, it's the main reason breeders give yield estimates in m2 .
So it's 4, 4x4 sections, and the yield claimed is from one section only? Might have a slight advantage due to lights overlapping but I think it applies.
Holy shit we agree on something again! I won't believe anything over 2lb from a true 4x4 best I've done is 1.8 same situation wall to wall buds at least 5 foot tall plants I don't use co2 so maybe that could help get over 2lb.
a pic is worth a thousand words

everyones talking about 4x4 space

watts per sq ft,
type of lighting,
proper enviroment
proper nutrition
pest free

why not 3 units per 4x4 provided you got enough light, lots of guys are bumping yields with strategic supplemental or lower lighting
id refer to watts per sq ft vs grams per sq ft
and remember that LED should produce a min of 25% more up to 33% using equal watts compared to HPS

having said all that id say its impractical to think your going to get these yields every harvest and with every strain.
setting the average goal at 2lbs yield per run in a 4x4 tray using 1000 watt hps seems reasonable
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looking at his pics those tents are cleared loaded and it looks like well over 2.5lbs per 4x4 easily...a pic is worth a thousand words

I think instead of calling him a liar you should figure out what hes doing right that you can learn from

everyones talking about 4x4 space

watts per sq ft,
type of lighting,
proper enviroment
proper nutrition
pest free

why not 3 units per 4x4 provided you got enough light, lots of guys are bumping yields with strategic supplemental or lower lighting
id refer to watts per sq ft vs grams per sq ft
and remember that LED should produce a min of 25% more up to 33% using equal watts compared to HPS
He said he got 4lb per 4x4 just can't wrap my head around a qp per square foot
He said he got 4lb per 4x4 just can't wrap my head around a qp per square foot
are we talking about the thread starter or someone commenting

ah ok

ya that's hard to believe with a single lamp and no overlapping light in a true 4x4 canopy
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600 watt HPS 4x4 grow, 30 O's no CO2.
DSCN0672.JPG DSCN0675.JPG And I could of fit 3 more plants in there.
750 DE covering a 4x8, yielded 2.2 pounds.
To me 3 lbs would be pushing it in a 4x4 enclosed space . It definitely would be wall to wall buds with little room for airflow through the canopy.
I cant say I always get over 2 units but id say im averaging 2 units using 750 watts of LED co2
(@boilingoil is beating me using HPS which is awesome)

some times I get slightly more (2.25) some times a little less (1.75) strain dependent and environmental considerations