anyone compress their buds?


Well-Known Member
I know...why on earth would anyone compress their nice, fat, frosty buds unless they absolutely had to...

I actually just started doing this recently for a couple of reasons:

A) I got tired of people asking me if I grew what I was smoking with them myself;

B) Also got tired of people wondering why my tight, fat, frosty buds didn't look as "pretty" as the stuff that Joe Blow gets shipped in from California or CO....

Since I've been doing this I've gotten some funny responses...By and large when people are given a choice of the same stash, the only difference being one sample is compressed, the other uncompressed, they almost always pick the compressed material and claim it is way better than the uncompressed...I guess people are just so accustomed to getting imported weed they use that as the "gold standard" by which they judge everything else.


Well-Known Member
I compressed a small batch of my buds this year hoping it would slow the drying process a little. I had a couple days that temps were getting a bit high. I actually like the looks of uncompressed buds better. But you do make a good point- typically people, myself included look for tight buds, not necessarily compressed though. Some buds dry very tight and dense. Then you have the problem of of bags looking small.
I would just tell them i grew it if they are your trusted friends. If you really don't want to tell them that you grew it and want to convince them you bought it just say it is a lower self strain like durban poison or belladonna. But i sometimes compress my fluffy outdoor buds a little so they will seem dense but not so much they look like brick weed.


Well-Known Member
why would you compress them? Are they not dense enough?

Dense, tight buds are not mechanically compressed, they come out that way.

Some strains dont grow tight dense buds. Sativas are usually more long and airy but the majority of commercial strains are not sativas

And Durban Poison is "bottom shelf"?


Well-Known Member
don't compress dank.... also if you compress your weed before it is totally dry they will turn dark has hell and smell like grass or hay...


Well-Known Member
The buds I lightly compressed did not turn a different color than the others. Maybe if you squeezed the hell out of them they would turn dark though. Just my experience. And it did help slow the drying enough to through the short heat wave.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I find that being seen at the local pot dealer by your friends and buying an eighth leaves them believing that you buy your weed. Another is I produce a commercial grade of hash that is pretty much accepted throughout Canada. People never associate hash with a grow-op. Oil is good also. It is best if you don't tell anyperson your secret(s) not only for your sake but for thier sake also. A friend with weed is a friend indeed! A friend that's been f*cked over can't have any weed. Not for a bit anyway.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I just remember. I knew a guy on the east coast that compressed his crop, one oz into one film container using a c-clamp. I only compress for legal reasons.


Well-Known Member
I noticed that if your friends find out that you grew they all start expecting free bud, then get mad if you ask for a donation. I try to explain how much work and cash you have invested. It's not easy to convince them though. Some people- Arggg!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
No Sir!!! Why would i take gorgeous kind bud and make it look like brick weed? Those who chose compressed over uncompressed are Philistines.


Well-Known Member
if its leafy ill trim it up and lightly roll it up in a half a sheet of newspaper for a day and then unroll it and let it finish drying
keeps it from shaking up so easy

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
While i agree that i can't fathom why someone would chose compressed over normal (compressed typically means grown in huge quanitites for export, huge quanitities means not much care and attention) i don't have any issue whatsoever with compressing weed. I don't, because i don't grow enough to run out od space, but however much you compress it, it's still the exact same product :) (i'm talking personal use, i do not sell anything i grow because then there is well, less for me to smoke!)


Well-Known Member
I would just compress some for when you smoke with other people. I keep a bunch ground like for in my one hitter, and that's what I use when people come by. Happened one time, smokin some blueberry gum with a couple people and they're checkin out the buds and askin if I grew it. That was enough of that.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
While i agree that i can't fathom why someone would chose compressed over normal (compressed typically means grown in huge quanitites for export, huge quanitities means not much care and attention) i don't have any issue whatsoever with compressing weed. I don't, because i don't grow enough to run out od space, but however much you compress it, it's still the exact same product :) (i'm talking personal use, i do not sell anything i grow because then there is well, less for me to smoke!)
Actually, there is a school of thought that says different. Although all of the evidence is anecdotal, it stands to reason that compressing dislodges much of the trichomes which fall off the bud, therby reducing potency. By much? I dunno, probably not. But since I started growing my own, and had my eyes open to what REAL quality weed is, I refuse to regress.

I would just compress some for when you smoke with other people. I keep a bunch ground like for in my one hitter, and that's what I use when people come by. Happened one time, smokin some blueberry gum with a couple people and they're checkin out the buds and askin if I grew it. That was enough of that.
I get that too. I just tell my friends nope, I just got a really good hook up with the guy who does grow it. Once a friend wanted me to get him an O, and I made him wait for 2 days. (My entire crop is already sold before harvest. I have a guy who will take whatever I grow.) I RARELY sell to friends. Every now and again I'll "try and get hold of the guy who grows" and pick the friend up an O or so, but that's only for a VERY select few.