Anyone carry a knife daily?

Got this email today from Ka-Bar. They do exclude certain models but not a bad deal if you're looking. At least sign up for the newsletter.


I either carry a benchmade Osborne or a gerber Paraframe, depending on how much I feel like losing my knife that day.


I don't feel the need to carry a knife for defence but for about 50 years have always had a little Swiss Army knife in my pocket.

I retired the blue one and gave it to #2 son and now have a red one in the same model. Has a ball-point pen built in which is handy once in a blue moon. The bigger red on my mom brought home from a trip to Switzerland about 30 years ago and goes in my fishing vest when I manage to go but mainly sits on my desk. Got a big old Buck knife for fishing/hiking and a couple of those Leatherman types but cheaper brands. One in the console in the car and one in the tackle box. For road rage incidents a tire iron beside the driver's seat has always done the trick. Haven't had to use it for defence since my cab driving days in Calgary back in the late 70s. Had real mace then too and they were both used a few times.


I either carry a benchmade Osborne or a gerber Paraframe, depending on how much I feel like losing my knife that day.


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I gave my Benchmade knives, Gladius sword, and harpoon to my son, still got my SOG 5" with the arc lock, same type of blade lock as Benchmade.

The arc lock is awesome, you can flick it open or depress the lock cam for silent deployment.
It's a bit big, but pretty slim handle, don't even notice it.

Also got a SOG Revolver for the camp bag, it's nice for bush camping, making hunting blinds, trimming limbs for field-of-fire.
Doesn't quite fit up your sleeve like the wicked folder, so it stays in camp.

I carry two different auto opening pocket knives depending on what I have planned for the day. A Smith and Wesson M&P that's just a brute and can be used for everything and a little cheap nail cleaner, box opening knife. I have a decent sword collection I inherited but they're in the gun safe. Just no need for a Katana in day to day work lol.
This was my EDC when I sold lots of coke, got lots of my money back. Just pulled them close by the belt with one hand, poked the nutsack a couple times until your money magically appered.

PAL RH 36 fighting knife from my father. These were issued to paratroopers for Korea, came out in WW2'
He used it in 101st Airborne Korea, Dien Bien Phu with the French, Dak To, Tet Offensive defending Army HQ, then the Phoenix Program.

This was my EDC when I sold lots of coke, got lots of my money back. Just pulled them close by the belt with one hand, poked the nutsack a couple times until your money magically appered.

PAL RH 36 fighting knife from my father. These were issued to paratroopers for Korea, came out in WW2'
He used it in 101st Airborne Korea, Dien Bien Phu with the French, Dak To, Tet Offensive defending Army HQ, then the Phoenix Program.

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I've got my Uncle's who was Special Forces in Vietnam for 3 tours. That's a lot of combat for anyone, thank your Dad for his service to our country from me. He's definitely earned it!