Anyone can give me living tips for Colorado?


Well-Known Member
My parents want to move back closer to cali were we are originally from. We live in Iowa

I dont have much to my name here except my Job at UPS which i can transfer over. If they move im moving to. Except i think im going to move to colorado instead. im almost 24 and i just want to grow a few plants legally and live a happy life. Maybe get in the mj business

Any tips? Is it a nice place to live? Would live a suburb or country side but not to far from a bigger city. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Colorado is one of the best places in the US to live its green and beautiful if you have a choice choose boulder or fort collins. Fort Collins does not have any rec shops yet but you can still grow. you will also meet the healthiest alcoholics in the world their they like getting shit faced then going on a five mile hike to white water rapids the next morning its exhausting.