Anyone an Electrician ?help fast


New Member
ok well heres the problem... i was testing to see where light escaped from my grow box..... so i put my 105 watt cfl on the bulb holder... and i attached the two wires comming out onto a plug/wire that came pre attached ..i loosly wraped them together and threw the light in the cab and plugged the plug in... when i did this it tripped the circut all the power on one part of the house went out.... and i had to go flick the switch back n forth to get it back on... why did it do this... ? attached wires wrong ? or...( i saw spark when plugged it in) i rele cant have this happening woll im growing... on top of that i dont want it happening if i have 2-3x the wattage on that plug
How many amps is your circuit breaker? Is the first thing I would look at, if it is a very small amp breaker it would trip brecause of the surge of electricity. The spark? Where did it come from the breaker, the plug, the light, The cord, outlet, the outlet box or the circuit breaker box?

The bulb is self balasted?
yes the bulb is self ballased... the spark came from plug/wall socet.. when i plugged it in.... i live in US, not sure how much apms the breaker is... but i plugged it in like that befor to test for leaks.. and nothing happened... it worked fine...
Look at your breaker box the amp should be labeled on your breakers. If you have to take off the cover to get a good peak at them, just dont touch anything in side the box, look for something like 15, 20 or 30 that tells you the amp of the breaker that it is labeled. Chances are you have overloaded the circuit and the spark has created a small resistance field in the socket that is creating a shortage tripping the circuit. It could also be just a bad breaker. What kind of condition is the wiring, newer or the old knob and tube? The old knob and tube does not handle spikes in electricity very well and kill breakers.
i have no idea... ill check for the numbers later do 15-20-30 mean ? and why did this only happen this time and not the times i did it befor?

Thnx for the help
who knows things break man, they just do. Your outlet could of very well just said it's had it's better days and quit, but an outlet will also fail because of a low amped breaker, thats what I'm getting at, and knowing the type of wiring will also let me know if it could be the old knob and tube style in homes older than 40 years unless the home has been updated.