Originally Posted by doxxxx![]()
i think im starting to get addicted to weed. my girl insist i smoke it before sex because i bang her so hard and long she loves it. when im not high its kinka boring for her i guess. i gave her anal the other day for the first time i was so high i just did it and she loved the fuck out of it, i would never sodomize her if i wasnt high. is that weird? am i weird?
You're questioning you being weird because you sodomized her anal cavity and she LOVED it? No you're not weird my friend and if you have a problem servicing your lady in the rear, please send her to me. I will send her back safe and satisfied.
no thank you id rather you not sodomize my girl friend. ill take care of that myself even tho i dont think its right, that is a exit hole not for entry, bad thing about it is she loved it so much........ next time im really hi ill prob do it again damit.
and then mixed with hydrochloric acid. Now if isn't acid isn't a drug i dont know what is!Cocaine is a from coca plants, sooo....
have you quit before? that shit is rough! especially at night, i don't think i would be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour ever unless i smoked earlier. Of course nobody MAKES me smoke weed and i do do it because i want to. nobody MAKES me smoke cigs, but a few times every day i'm just like "damn, I need a cig."weed isnt physically addicting!! like one poster presented earlier in the thread..
have you ever sucked cock for marijuana?!- bob sagget
if you smoke morning noon and nights its because you want to....
have you quit before? that shit is rough! especially at night, i don't think i would be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour ever unless i smoked earlier. Of course nobody MAKES me smoke weed and i do do it because i want to. nobody MAKES me smoke cigs, but a few times every day i'm just like "damn, I need a cig."
its seems like pretty much the same thing to me.
ha fucking right ON!!!!!! i know some people who are the most sober people ever and the are still degenerates who provide to service to the community, now on the other hand i smoke and do volunteer work and i ref and coach soccer.The thing about it is it really doesn't effect my life all that much. Very few people even know I smoke(my wife and my two closest friends) and I work a corporate job have two kids and live in the burbs. We are members of the PTA, go to the meetings I coach my sons soccer team it just isn't a big deal. That's why legalization doesn't matter because even the addicts are more functional than a lot of the sober members of society.![]()
this is my take on the situation too i agree.. i was simply stating the obvious for that negative stigma that tends to be attached to the word "Addict"...... i dont know about you all .. but when i think of an addict i think of the dirty crack whores on the streets!!.. you guys get what i mean ?weed isn't physically addicting but it is psychologically addictive. And it is "addictive" like a habit is addictive. But it's a habit that has great rewards so you want to do it a lot, and why not, it's great !![]()