Anyone able to tell what kind of weed im growing?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello mr way

weed that needs more light. or closer light.. the spacing between your nodes is TOO MUCH....

and you better start pHing your water... looks like your stem is turning red...yikes .. this needs attention asap... is it red?



Well-Known Member
yea the fan leaf stems are taking a maroonish color...and i just fixed the light problem...i got 3 26 watt cfl lights around hanging above and 2 giving light from the sides.Wat does the coloring of the stems mean


Active Member
I dont think you can tell about the type till it buds then you can mostly tell by the smell and tast of the plant. And about the coloring I have no clue lol but thats cuz im a starter in growing.

Leagalize :joint: = :peace:


Active Member
also when they do start budding if you want to know by just looking i have and are going to improve a page on my site called types of marijuana. and for beginners like me iv got a beginners guide to growing marijuana.