Anybody used Strip NC for Drug test? HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a drug test for pre-employment today, just picked up some STRIP NC cleaning drink...Anyone tried it? did it work? the directions are very vague...HELP!!! I've been clean for a week.


Well-Known Member
you'll be good just dont drink more than a pint of water before you pee. its good shit


Well-Known Member
you'll be good just dont drink more than a pint of water before you pee. its good shit
It says to drink "plenty of water before and after using product"
It's 1:10 Pacific time now, I'm going to wait till about 2:30 or 3:00 to go to the clinic. should I hold off on the water now?
Thanks for the help man.


Well-Known Member
So I've peed a few times already, and the color of the urine is pretty normal looking, I did Zydot on my last job and my pee looked like antifreeze.