anybody roll with these


Hey you wanna know the next ones you should try? me you will like them they have a cool dispenser and you cant make the paper as biiiiig as you want and then just cut it off....kind of like aluminum foil....

here lemme show you hahaha

the chocolate mint is INCREDIBLE :joint:

Brown Sugar 1 1/2 Rolls - Chocolate Mint - Online Shop

I like them so much I have them as my background hahaha
i've never seen the rolls of thme before... just the packs of mini blunt papers...

i'm partial to the island blend flavored brownsugars myself...


Well-Known Member
lol thats wild stuff there. As far as the zigzags though I have grown to hate them, they're so frustrating to deal with I'de rather BW it up and be done! :joint:

PS I tried mixing in a lil tobacco once, fo that splif shit but it tasted like a stale cig :neutral:

- LOUNGE; Bout to toke a jay now.
i break down like half a menthol cig and put it into my big blunts. Everyone thats tried it with me has liked it all tho they all smoke cigs. Figure if you didnt it you wouldnt like it much bet it would give yo a hell of a buzz tho


Active Member
I've tried the clear blunts and the clear smaller sized papers.

They burn pretty dang slow so it's a pretty nice smoke. They also have flavors too.

Kingpin carries them and there are also Cyclones that are cone-shaped pre-rolled clear blunts.

happy smoking =)


Well-Known Member
I've never tried those before. However, I do know that the company that makes them HBI International, is a shady company. They stealth market their smoking products on Wikipedia, while also slandering their competitors. Bad company, can't say much for the papers.

RAW (rolling paper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theyre trying to get people to believe that smoking RAW papers is the healthiest. Also they want you to believe that their competitors Bambu (Big Bambu's) puts carcinogens in their paper.

Rolling paper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(here the same HBI employee posts the info on Cannabis Culture using the same name) NEWS: Bambu & Smoking Brands cause CANCER - Cannabis Culture Forums
Whats funny is that the cannabis culture people call him out on posting on a cannabis forum, when he says he doesnt smoke pot....hes just there to inform them about rolling papers.

They also run a website to promote their brand of scales - MyWeigh and Jennings. The site is and you will find that all they do is list slander against HBI competitors (see the Fraud page) while giving rave "independant" reviews of MyWeigh and Jenning scales. Also they host a forum their, but if you post any questions about the site being a fraud, your post will be edited by the admin.


Active Member
I never really liked the RAW papers or the Aleda brand papers. I just stick to Zig Zags if I'm gonna roll a J. I prefer my bowl.