anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

I'm running 66 and girls love it.
66 is ok . the colder the better should read up on o2 and water temps . at 63 its at the peak the a mount of o2 the water can hold
if you read all this then you read to much lol . its very scientific . to much shit to read ill post it any ways . my woman understand all this I get concerned the her boobs fall out of her dress when she bends over wooo hoooo .
yes I will let you know . currently I am in the process of expanding my automatic water feeder system . its on a timer feed the ladies 4 times a day they love it . got 2 trash cans full of water with nutrients ph. a small pump on the bottom stirring all the good stuff up I have over 100 gallons of nutrient water on tap I wont have to go into my garden for 3 weeks at a time lol . except to raise the lights I an currently thinking of a way to do this with sensors attached to the tallest plant to raise the light with a way to use my phone can view them with my cam with my phone to raise lighting incase sensors don't work . only thing ill have to do is bamboo pole them up lolly pop them and super crop them but after that I can be in another part of the world doing my own thing . its getting fun automating these cherry tomato plants .
Cool, I love fucking with controls and other than lifting the light :o, I've got it pretty much dialed in but still need to do a dump and fill manually, don't have any water hook up in my shed which really sucks come winter :(.
66 is ok . the colder the better should read up on o2 and water temps . at 63 its at the peak the a mount of o2 the water can hold
if you read all this then you read to much lol . its very scientific . to much shit to read ill post it any ways . my woman understand all this I get concerned the her boobs fall out of her dress when she bends over wooo hoooo .
I will have a look as it's just a matter of lowering the stat to dial in temps.
The pail holds the heat :wall:, so I replaced it with a large Air Pot, which has an open grid bottom, and simply inverted it
The only way to ensure a healthy root zone is a chiller I think. If there was a cheap easy way I think everyone would be all over it. It's a logistic problem that makes coco drip look really nice for me :). I've devoted to much to give up yet :)
One of my DIY methods includes using a 24 can igloo cooler ~ 15 x 20 , the height just covers 12 oz cans.

I place the rez in it add a couple inches of water and place frozen jugs in the water. This keeps the rez cool for ~ 12 hours. All I need to do is replace frozen jugs

My problem is I have 3 rezes
go to the junk yard, get a heater core that will fit inside your fridge, drill two holes through the side of the fridge for the lines.
i've done this without the fridge a few times to water cool computer systems, auto heater cores make fantastic radiators
go to the junk yard, get a heater core that will fit inside your fridge, drill two holes through the side of the fridge for the lines.
i've done this without the fridge a few times to water cool computer systems, auto heater cores make fantastic radiators
Do you need to worry about lead leaching?
i wouldn't be too concerned, its the same solder they use on water pipes. i put ro water in a system and had to drain it a year later, i checked the ppm just for giggles when i emptied it, it had gone up a half a point in a year. i'd call that acceptable
i wouldn't be too concerned, its the same solder they use on water pipes. i put ro water in a system and had to drain it a year later, i checked the ppm just for giggles when i emptied it, it had gone up a half a point in a year. i'd call that acceptable
Well actually it's not the same as used in plumbing now. It's all lead free but doubt that's the case with a car rad. I'm not saying there would be an issue but something to be aware of
the heater core idea is a the way i planed on going in my auto watering system . currently working out bugs in it . one plant will get more water then the other . i am currently working on some auto valves by timers to feed 1 plant at a time to be sure i get the 1/2 gallon of water per plant daily . there will be a 100 gallons of water on tap and a valve per plant i have a lot of lab tops laying around going to connect it to this watering system to time the valves just have to right up a program . currently halfthe system is running but lot of bugs to be worked out . only issue is i am a LAZY fuck .
That's why I like my flood and drain, leave for a week and come home to plants 12" taller lol. would be nice to have auto drip and fuck the res temps :).
would have to be one hell of a flood and drain system working with a 20/20 room . its possible . just throw down a bunch of swimming pools and flood an drain those . just have to stick with soil for now .