Anybody Out There. Is it Flowering Time Yet?


Active Member
Hello every1 out there, got a question. This is my very first grow and today my babies turned two months old today, all were planted in dirtand all were from bag seeds. I have a total of four and was wondering is it time to start flowering yet. The biggest one is 26.5 inches tall coming in at second is standing at 23.5 inches tall, third is 18.5 inches tall and last but not least is 17.5 inches tall. My main concern is to try and bet the heat as well as all the critters that come out in the summer. All you vets out there or anyone with the answer to this million dollar question please help.


bud bootlegger
well, from the sounds of it, sounds like they are outdoors, right?? if so, then no, they won't start to flower to about late july or early august as outdoor plants usually finish at about sept or october, so if you take 60 or 70 days that it takes for the plant to flower, then that will give you a good idea of when your plant will start to flower for you outdoors..
if its indoors, than forget all about the above info, and you can start to flower it when ever you'd like..


Active Member
Thak you racerboy71 for your quick reply, They are inside and I was wondering what do you think in you expert oppinion is the wise thing to do? And also do I start counting the weeks from the very first day of 12/12 and hope for a quick 8-9 week indica?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd put them outside and let them grow a lot bigger and harvest in the fall when they naturally flower


Active Member
all you guys fin rock thank you soooooo much, do not mean to be over the top, but this is my very first grow and I am stoked.


bud bootlegger
yah, i start to count flowering the day that you flip the lights to 12 /12, but just remember that the time that a breeder says it will take to flower is only an estimate at best, and you should use a handheld microscope and check out your trichomes with it..
there are plenty of good threads on here with lots of pix that you can check out once you get to that point.. good luck with the rest of the grow..


Well-Known Member
yah, i start to count flowering the day that you flip the lights to 12 /12, but just remember that the time that a breeder says it will take to flower is only an estimate at best, and you should use a handheld microscope and check out your trichomes with it..
there are plenty of good threads on here with lots of pix that you can check out once you get to that point.. good luck with the rest of the grow..
This is true but not counting the first week is a good rule of thumb. Flip them btw or you'll have monsters and lighting would be challenging. Take clones at week 2-3 (after transition week) and you'll have them ready to flower right after you harvest this crop, keeping supply constant and avoiding the necessity of mother plants.


Well-Known Member
y dont u give them a transition period? do u have any links to prove why u would do such a thing? lol j.k..but y dont u give them a week to transition?


Well-Known Member
Hi cali, transition is not a thing we give. All our plants GO thru it because it's programmed to happen when flowering starts. In the transition the plant will enter hemp indestructible mode growing at amazing rates and able to recover from cuts very fast, that's why many people take advantage of this period for supercropping. All the processes are happening so fast that it's necessary to increase nutrition as yellowing will start to appear in new growth that's giving birth to preflowers. This transitory stage could be as long as 3 weeks and as short as one, for some strains it'd take a whole month for pre flowers to appear.


Active Member
Nice this is the best growing site in the world of WWW. BTW MASP84 or anyone, please chime in on this. When you say 2-3 weeks after transitions weeks take clones is a new world to me, please help. My question is from were do I take a clone from, meannig best place to cut from? and what to look out for if anything. And is the main point of taking clones after transition to eliminate clonning males?


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;T07--heDYHc] ch_query%3Dcloning%2Bmarijuana%26aq%3Df&has_verified=1[/video]


Well-Known Member
yea this is a good subject to talk about cuz i know alot of people on here dont know about transition first grow i thought right when i go into 12/12 was the first day of flower but all my 8weekers would take 9-10weeks and i would trip out like i was feeding em wrong..come to find out i just wasn't counting my transition periods, which is always 5-10days for me..never had a strain that didn't transition within that time frame..give or take a day or two


Well-Known Member
from were do I take a clone from:

First you need to read a lot and determine what your cloning technique is gonna be about. You'll find tons of info on cloning here but many people is doing it differently, that should tell you it's fairly easy to do and that there's probably already a way that sues your Room and current gear. The easiest by far is soil and a dome, but if you're considering hydroponics building an Aero Cloner is the best IMO.

You want to take your cuts from the lower branches as they content more carbs to N ratio increasing rooting chances. If the stems look woody even better. Also the shorter the cuts the best chances for it to root. the 45 degree cut be done 1/2" under the node or right in the half of a lower node from the one that'd be rooting. I have left 3 nodes under the surface with excellent results. Remember not to feed them nutes, just pH'd water (Start at 5.5 it should slowly rise to 6.2 in a week), superthrive (if available) and diluted H2O2 or hygrozyme if necessary.

Regarding males: if you have males or strong hermaphrodite tendencies in your garden you can tell as soon as the pre-flowering (sexing) starts. Male sacks mature very fast so try to keep a close eye and if you find any your best bet is to cover the plant with a large plastic bag, air tight it from the stem using duct tape and remove it from the garden. Look at the 4th or 5th node and you should see whether a small calyx or banana, that's a way to know sex early.