Anybody knows any seeds that look like Cannabis?


Hello ,
Do you know any seeds that look like weed seeds? Im going to trick the po that are coming in nearby months to check if i have the seeds the customs let through :) They are legal where in my country but they come sniffing around soon cause they got the scent of me maybe doing something


Well-Known Member
so they found your seeds in the mail? and now your sketchin' out that they might come looking at your house?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Go about your business. Like the Kinks sang:

Paranoia, the destroyer.
Paranoia, the destroyer.

Silly boy ya self-destroyer. silly boy ya self-destroyer

Silly boy you got so much to live for
So much to aim for, so much to try for
You blowing it all with paranoia
You're so insecure you self-destroyer


Well-Known Member
Mix em in with sunflowers granola etc bag it up and tell em its bird food. Once they leave take the seeds out. I really think ur being way paranoid tho


1. I ordered seeds on stealth to poste restante. Green house seeds fucked up and put a billing info inside with my name address everything phone , everything.
2. The envelopes had clearly been ripped open in customs and resealed.
3. In my country they let seeds through because they are legal. But if they have any chance they will track you down and now because of GHS they do have a chance.
4. I have already had police raid my home because of seeds.
5. And when they raid the home they will want to see the seeds you ordered.
6. If the seeds are not found , you will be questioned , maybe taken to police station and they will also get search warrant for your home and blablabla keep you there locked up for some time and take your phone and whatever

So i dont think iam paranoid when it comes to this now. Please note that this is not America where iam living , its northern european country. Anyways they will come and when they do i want them to find some wrong shit and be done with it :D

Ok i could just say i ate them or stuff like that but in this case its bit more complicated so i came up with this masterplan and i need seeds that look like cannabis , atleast little bit.

Show the police a bag of birdfood and they will take that and leave? :D Cmon. But thanks for the idea , just realized theres hemp seeds in birdfood so theres propably my best call :DD thank you

- For lyrics


New Member
Purchase some toasted Hemp Seeds , save some of the best looking seeds and put them in the pack that Greenhouse sent and its all good on your part ...

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Tell them you had second thoughts and tossed them. Then say, "Obviously that was a good idea because you are here and they are not". If this is a potential repeat performance I'd quit doing it.....