Anybody know where I can buy Ladybugs in Ontario?


Well-Known Member
I cant seem to find any breeders using google, or any that have a supply at this present time. I have a severe aphid problem in my tent and am in desperate need to get rid of these little fuckers, they just demolishing my girls. I have washed the plants twice, sprayed with neem and soap and they are still around.....any help would be greatly appreciated and obviously rep'd! Thanks ALL


Well-Known Member
University of Guelph, Environmental Biology Department...surely they would know

probably better off just nuking the little bastards with a combo of neem, mild dish soap, and a bottle of luke warm water.
spritz away...and find wherever the ants are getting in...those fuckers will actually carry aphids into your grow
Nuke them too.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any ants, but thats crazy shit, I did not know, thx.....I have neem, gunna start a regiment and see if I cant exterminate the little bastards. I was using it wrong i think, i just sprayed once, did some more research tonight and found that I should probably do it several times over the course of a month. Thanks Man!


Well-Known Member
have them shipped, pay extra for overnight delivery, don't worry about the cold too much, breeders keep them dormant by keeping them in the fridge. $13 for 1500 lady bugs, and about $20 for overnight delivery.


Well-Known Member
aphids are jacked up. Some are born preggers... they can pop out 10 clones a day bypassing the whole egg laying bit.
a 70 day declaration of war is in order.

green lacewings are WAY better than picky old lady bugs imo.
Lacewings will eat anything bug related that will fit into their mouth and also have bottomless tummies.


Well-Known Member
a praying mantis will eat anything too, even the fore said ladybugs and lacewings, some species get large enough to eat mice and small birds! I don't know of any other insect that will fuck with a mantis.


Well-Known Member
a challenger appears...
