Anybody know what the problem is with these...?


Active Member
2013-02-10 15.17.13.jpg2013-02-10 15.16.47.jpg2013-02-10 15.17.38.jpg

Anybody have an idea as to what the problem might be wrong with my plants? Any feedback is appreciated. I'm thinking it might be heat stress? My room does tend to run on the warm side at about 85 and high humidity of about 60 - 70%.


Well-Known Member
Raise light and give theose girls some water. The soil looks awful dry. Put a small fan blowing between the tops and the light.


Well-Known Member
im thinking the same soil looks dry especally if room running warm drying out soil put pail of water in front of fan poor mans cooling and humitafer


Active Member
The top of the soil drys out quickly due to the fans blowing on the plants. But when you stick your finger down in a half inch to an inch, it's still nice and damp. Lights are above the plants by about 3 feet at least so I don't thnk it can be light burn - plus I'm just running two TEC lights with 8 bulbs each. And the problem with the leaves is not just at the top, but all throughout the plant.

the clone in the cup has NOT been fed so It can't be nutrient burn. And I don't think humidity is the problem as it is running between 60 and 70 percent.

Any more thoughts?