anybody know how to use autocad?


Active Member
anybody? anybody? i downloaded a copy...about to install and only have limited experience with CAD...

im trying to create a vaporizor...


Well-Known Member
yeah I took a class on it in high school. but I only know how to use the basic 2d stuff.


Well-Known Member
ive used the program a bit. have you started drawing it up already? or is it still in you head?


Well-Known Member
3d? nah. 2d? easy. i used it while working at an architecture firm. hate that program.


Well-Known Member
for a vaporizer, i would recommend something like solidworks...that will be perfect for thje "inventor" type.


Well-Known Member
Oh god, I have to use autocad so god damn much for my major. I despise that program way too much.


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with it? I like it. Autodesk makes great software. Top of the line!
he's probably referring to just the actual way the program is. I can't really put words to it but it really annoys me too.

it's a good program but for people like us I think it's not really ideal.


Well-Known Member
It annoyed me too.... The learning curve is steep.

Download a good e-book on the subject. Makes it much easier(and read the help, it has lessons). I don't think Autodesk makes any program that doesn't require a thick manual. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I dont like it because of how boring it is. I cant stand sitting at the computer drawing stuff up.