Anybody know how to extract silica from bamboo?

Like the thread says, how do you extract silica from bamboo?
From what I have read it's in the stems.. Do I boil it? Ferment it? Innoculate it with something? Rub it between my girlfriends thighs?
Help a brother out.
I also have horsetail too, but i'm not sure i'm getting the benefits from that... I very well could be messing that up too.
(shaking head) should probably just buy protekt...
I scoured the internet and all I end up with is expensive dietary supplements for womens hair...

Great question Bamboo sillica is highly bio-available as opposed to other sources.

Best I can tell to extract it you need to ferment it using grain alcohol and water in a 65:1 ratio. - use ground up leaves and the stalk.

Once fermented I am guessing you would leave the lid off for a day or so, so that the alcohol can evaporate, then pour off the remaining liquid and boil it off until you are left with sillica gel,

Once it is extracted you should have a high purity sillica concentrate or least that's my theory so don't hold me to it, but if it works out feel free to send some my way lol!