Anybody grow like Mr. Canucks on YouTube?

I’ll end it with this:

You guys are all arrogant. You are struck withjealousy, hating on those on YouTube trying to help newcomers into growing.

Im willing to bet big that you learned much of ur growing from YouTube.
But go ahead, u know it better. Over and out.
I went to college to major in computer science and minor in plant science. I also grew up on a farm in the bayou. YouTube is good for watching sjw‘s meltdown and Karen videos Other then that no just no.
The only thing I know about Mr. Canucks is he posts a lot of pictures of himself flexing and looking like a tool. I only know this because of the grower on here who was super scammed by an impostor of Mr. Canuck selling seeds on instagram. He's probably a great guy and I wish him well.
The problem with youtube is it's a single grower. That person might do most things correct, but like most growers, also does extra wonky things. It takes a group of growers to dissect those extra wonky things. Sometimes the wonky works, but usually it don't. Meanwhile the youtuber lives in their guru bubble and keeps putting out bad info because they aren't getting much feedback aside from their own experience and "trolls" in their comment section.
Hmm, I see. First you acknowledged I’m new and that I should give it a shot. You wish me good luck and say “you’re totally right” only to give off a discouraging sentence 2 min later and agree with the above statement of “one epic fail coming up”.
You must be bipolar or something?
I’ve been following your comments the last 3 days, you’re nothing but a ball of negativity, it’s either your way or the highway. I’ve seen how you talk to other people, as if their opinion isn’t worth anything. But apparently they don’t got the balls to stand up for themselves so they just suck in your negativity.
I see what kind of community this is...

good day to all of you.

(I’ll leave this on for a week then delete my account, that way I could earn some people about you)

I never told you to "give it a shot". I specifically told you not to try it in your other thread were you were looking for help.

Don't use organic amendments with coco. You're going to continue to scratch your head the entire grow wondering why it isn't working.

I told you over multiple posts not to try it actually and told you if you want to use dry amendments use soil. There is only so many times I can attempt to dissuade you from trying it and prevent you from continuing to have issues. Eventually I'm just going to agree with you and wish you good luck as I did.

My first interaction with you was helpful advice I posted above but you've been following my comments for days? By the way I didn't block you. If you think I'm negative it's because I gave you advice you didn't want to hear. Take care buddy.
i got 2 jack herers. Gonna give it a try... I have read people saying they pulled it off, some say it’s trash method.
I don’t think mr.canucks is lying though

Make sure you read up on what beneficial
Microbes you’ll need to keep
Inoculating with to help the micro herd around the rhizosphere.

if there are words in that statement you don’t understand I suggest reading a lot more now if you’ve already started plants and are definitely going ahead with this idea.
I’ll end it with this:

You guys are all arrogant. You are struck withjealousy, hating on those on YouTube trying to help newcomers into growing.

Im willing to bet big that you learned much of ur growing from YouTube.
But go ahead, u know it better. Over and out.
You sure whine a lot. Is it working well for you?Do you feel it's developing you and bringing you further ahead in life? People are being programmed to understand nothing while being highly offended, you're just one of the bunch.

Its easier to control stupid people without own judgement and free will. Most people only live with others peoples morals and values without questioning and standing your own ground. Sadly most people only work to buy the newest phone or TV set.
Why would anyone want to grow like that hack?

Here's some of his crispy fried plants. Pure garbage. I'd toss this crap in the compost pile. People watching youtube videos are getting terrible information. And then they think it's normal for plants to look like this. It's only normal if you're a crappy grower. I have a hard time even understanding why anyone would post a video of these crappy ass plants or why anyone would want to replicate his crappy grow.
