• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Anybody got any stories of legal highs?


Well-Known Member
One of the first times I ever bought synthetic, me and my friend decided to go crazy. We decided to dome a bowl each of this mad hatter we bought. Then my other friend came out with a bong. I got through one rip and died. I was laying on the forest floor just unable to communicate or anything. My buddy was throwing up every where it was retarded. Then he decided to call 911 on himself because he was having a heart attack he said. Then in the midst of me and my other friend trying to figure out if he was joking or not, we figured out what he was doing and stopped him. He convinced the lady he was fine and didn't need an ambulance. God damn that was scary.

He said he knew inside he was just paranoid anyways.

That shits all bad. Have you ever mixed it with psychedelics? Especially Dxm?

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
It's very dangerous stuff. I've done some research on what I could find. It all boils down to their spraying light doses of poisons over what ever the delivery system is. It is killing folks.
Of course there are laws popping up all over the country out lawing the shit.


Well-Known Member
Itll never get banned though, they just make new ones. It'll make people legalize marijuana a lot faster I think. Or it should. I always forget everyone is retarded.


Well-Known Member
Itll never get banned though, they just make new ones. It'll make people legalize marijuana a lot faster I think. Or it should. I always forget everyone is retarded.
You're right it will never get banned but it will never help legalization because it makes marijuana look like it has these seriously bad effects when really it is just a poorly stabilized synthetic drug that a whole bunch of 16 year old's smoke so the can think they are dying and call 911 and make marijuana look even worse than what closed minded people already think about it! I despise the synthetic marijuana!


Well-Known Member
Very bad side effects...DON'T DO THAT SHIT!!! I've been watching youtube vids on designer drugs all about this poison and how its predominantly made in CHINA. They openly admit that they don't know what the side effects are. Don't trust it or pharmaceutical companies alike...they are only out for your money. One video depicts a kid who was a superstar bmx rider and took synthetic marijuana after getting arrested. He first slit his throat while hallucinating and then shot himself dead the next day. No parent should have to go through this. The poor kid thought to go the LEGAL route because our stupid governments decided that marijuana should be illegal. It should be obvious that the government doesn't do a good job of protecting us...hell, they don't even allow us to talk about how they are poisoning our food supply so it's our responsibility to not be sheeple.


Its really hard to regulate Strength and/or Consistency with synthetics as currently available.

Strength and Consistency is achieved through strains/cultivation with natural marijuana.

Technically its the same thing as marijuana (components of marijuana)


Well-Known Member
Truly I dont think they are sprayed with 'poisons' all of them have relatively the same high. I have had my fair share of smoking the shit, all I can say is they are spraying AM's on plant matter and selling it. Its not some unknown chemical, they are various tryptamines. Literally. The shit MAKES you trip, there is no question about that.

Some people are allergic, and die. I saw a friend of mine almost die from the shit, she turned purple, her face was like a balloon and she only took one hit. She attacked me and my other friend telling us to 'GET THE FUCK OUT OF HER HOUSE'. She is a long time friend too.. She blacked out and doesn;t remember anything. The shit can get crazy. Personally though I dont see myself having an issue with any of it, its the people who try it, do too much. Or are just allergic to begin with.. Weed just needs to be legal thats all it boils down too, and our government aint doing shit about it except making things worse. Like it has been basically since the beginning of the 1900's.

Weed is way better anyways. I hate that shit. Nowadays I take a hit if I cant fall asleep, yes I have a stash of it. Truly, to me and my friends it is a fun experience sometimes.. Ever laughed so hard at adult swim you pissed your pants? I have xD


Legally smoked some M39 in my garage this morning with my coffee.

Seriously, that fake crap is just not worth it folks. I've seen way too many kids in my line of work have some of the worst days of their lives (hopefully) due to this garbage.
Grow your own.
Dude fuck yeah! That shits rediculous. Gimme a sec to think of some, say yours
okay:) basically, i went to a party in a field(kind of a campout thing), and i had nothing to drink or *ahem* consume, so i just decided to say "ohhh mann, i wish i had something to take" and some girl popped up out of nowhere and said "and this is where i come in" so me and a couple of my mates followed her, and she had 3g of the stuff, and put it nearly all into the bowl of a huge bong, (at this point i had dabbled with it a couple of times, hadnt felt much) so i took 3 consecutive massive bong hitsbongsmilie thinking ive done so much weed, it cant be that different? and i was so wrong:( me and 1 of my mates jumped out the tent, thought we were speedwalking, but we were walking at snails pace, people were shouting at us asking what we were doing and we couldnt hear them, we walked through a field, and the ground felt like knives stabbing into out feet, then we got to the road, where i hit a peak, we walked up the road, and i got major de'ja vu, seeing the same lamp post and patch on the ground after another, feeling i was stuck in a neverending loop, i tried to seek help from my friend, but i started speaking a different language, i said "Ali hadda yaka makka"? then his face started to melt? so i grabbed him, shouted run, then, he said he couldnt, so i sprinted away, eventually getting a lift home... long story short, i tripped balls, and have been trying new legal highs since, just to see what there like:).. your turn:peace:
no, dont ever tar marijuana with the same brush, this stuff is hazardous, but atleeast i know that when i take it, i can have a spliff, and feel better again:)
Its really hard to regulate Strength and/or Consistency with synthetics as currently available.

Strength and Consistency is achieved through strains/cultivation with natural marijuana.

Technically its the same thing as marijuana (components of marijuana)
This "aloha" shit man…. bought my girlfriend a new hookah for christmas time and at the time i wasn't of age to buy this hookah but anyway a buddy of mine is picking it up for me and he mentions this Aloha that he's been smoking that's available at this same store. It's different then K2 kind of look it actually is like a leafy bud that looks attractive and comes in a lot of different flavors. So I'm about trying it and get a little bottle of it I forget how much.
So now we don't pick up the bomb till lata on and we all wanted to use this new hookah so we threw most of the contents of the jar in the dish. Two other people there have experience with this stuff and take quite a few hits (me and my girlfriend never). I knew i was too fucked to smoke more but i threw so much of it in the dish i felt i needed to finish so i did and then TRIPPING NUTS. Couldn't talk or have a conversation, I just remember feeling all over uncomfortable to the max. Heart pounding through my chest and then I laid down in this dudes bed because I needed a distance from everyone or I feel like I'd freak out (even my girlfriend) and it was just hell. Gave the rest to my buddy.
I've also had a friend who told me about serious withdrawals he had from K2, K3, and this Aloha. But that's not the worst. He said when he'd smoke it he was just always afraid through the whole high he'd fall asleep because when he did he'd wake up scared as all hell to his heart stopping! I can see how it can do this from my experience for me i got real funky heartbeats on this shit.
Anyway hope this was helpful for anyone who was thinking of using these types of things that's on probation or parole or any type of drug testing. I don't know anyone who has died but I've heard of it before I wouldn't even consider it. :finger: aloha.

peace :leaf:


My friend got some synthetic stuff from somewhere and we smoked it out of one of those tiny crush pipes (the dinky little spoons that are about half the length of your hand). It wasn't a bad experience at all. However, what I would warn people about is this: you CANNOT smoke it like you would weed. It's damn near impossible to overdose on real weed... you can get completely baked and at worst you'll just fall asleep. Spice is NOT like that- it can be dangerous in large quantities. And you can have bad reactions to it. But I think that's true of most drugs, including alcohol. If you want to try spice, you a.) have a babysitter or smoke with someone who's tried it and knows they don't react badly to it, and b.) get a crush pipe or a one hitter and smoke it SLOWLY. Usually, unless you have really good weed, 2-3 hits won't do more than give you a buzz. I took perhaps 2 hits of my friend's synthetic stuff and I was BAKED. He chased me with a stick and I ran away from him with this super dumb-looking jog, flailing my arms, because that was the only way I could figure out how to run, lol. So basically, BE CAREFUL. It's not weed and it can't be treated like weed, but if you smoke a little bit at a time you'll probably be okay. But definitely make sure someone can look after you.


Well-Known Member
This shits becoming prevalent haha

Unfortunately a couple of my buddies do the shit hourly.. I got into it for a little bit over the past couple of weeks.. Lemme explain this to you. Its a sick twisted romance with the stuff haha, Imlike in love with the incoherent intoxication it brings, I smoked it nightly until Saturday night when.. I ran out of money to spend on synthetic, I havent slept since then and honestly dont see myself sleeping tonight or even tomorrow night.. It has terrible withdrawals.. Stomach cramps.. Emptiness, dependency.

It has become a HUGE waste of money for me and I have to quit. But its so hard... A friend of mine came to me crying the other day like hysterical, baked.. Talking about how she literally couldnt stop smoking no matter how hard she tried and if she goes too long without it that suicidal thoughts become too intense for her.. Its so sad honestly I feel bad for everyone. Especially my friends, one of them stole my other friends Ipod and sold it for the stuff.. I mean come on we are like in our mid 20's this shit aint even an excuse.

Its disgusting but I wont say Ill never buy it again because I will , I just cant go through this again its not worth it at all lol


Active Member
Yes! I tried Hawaiian Baby woodrose seeds one time. The package said not to take more than 5, but I took like 12. I puked and puked and puked. It felt as though I had the flu. After puking I felt great and it started to kick in. It felt like a mild shroom trip. Very cool.


Well-Known Member
So, back before they outlawed shit I did some reading. Figured out what they were putting in spice, found a chinese company and ordered 10 grams of jwh-018 for about $250. There are a number of other things that go in this shit but jwh-018 was one of the primary ones and had good reports. Smoked it in a glass tube, smoked it on top of pot, dipped cigarett tips in it, dissolved it in acetone and soaked cigaretts in it. This was 98% pure powder, not something sprayed on leaves. 10 Grams by the way would be enough to make about a pound of spice crap.

Basically the stuff binds to cbd receptors and feels a lot like marijuana. It has hella tolerance unlike thc and you can find yourself smoking a fuckload if you aren't careful. Had a few side effects, headaces etc. Don't think it is real good for you. It is way easy to OD on, especially when smoking powder. I got to the point where I would not have wanted to be one bit higher. You load a big bowl of powder and you will have a bad fucking time. I think the stuff is a bit addictive and referred to as weed crack.

Bottom line is, respect this shit cause it may not kill you but it can make you wish you were dead. Was kind of fun to load cigaretts up with it so I could get high at the bar while drinking :) Legalize weed and we wouldn't need crap like this.


Ooh, I have a story now! I've been experimenting with different legal highs since I don't have a dealer at home and I don't want to mess around with dispensaries. I got some Salvia (haven't tried it yet, waiting for the right time and to have someone with me. Kind of trying to work up the courage to ask my dad if he'd be alright babysitting me... he's cool about that stuff, but I mean, he IS my dad) and I also got some of this stuff in a yellow sachet marked "CAUTION! Super strong incense!".

It's primarily Damiana from what I can tell, but I can't find a list of any of the other ingredients. I know Damiana is supposed to be an aphrodisiac, but honestly, I didn't notice any effects like that. What I ended up with was something that got me completely, I-can't-be-seen-in-public-right-now baked. It was like a really intense weed high. I kept forgetting where I was and was surprised and amused when I would look up and see my friend sitting there (yes, she was real. She'd been there the whole time). I noticed the effects immediately- 30 seconds after the first hit I started to get that fuzzy feeling in my head that you sometimes get from alcohol.

Actually, I'm kind of curious- does anyone else know about that stuff and know what it has in it? It's supposed to be "50 states legal!" but that could mean anything.


Active Member
Ooh, What I ended up with was something that got me completely, I-can't-be-seen-in-public-right-now baked.
I had that first time i smoked some spice shit,

I bought it,

rolled up outside like the king of cool I thought I was,

ended up couch locked to the fkn pavement 4 an hour and a half paranoid as hell :fire: