I mean such as black mamba(think its called spice in the US) etc?
You're right it will never get banned but it will never help legalization because it makes marijuana look like it has these seriously bad effects when really it is just a poorly stabilized synthetic drug that a whole bunch of 16 year old's smoke so the can think they are dying and call 911 and make marijuana look even worse than what closed minded people already think about it! I despise the synthetic marijuana!Itll never get banned though, they just make new ones. It'll make people legalize marijuana a lot faster I think. Or it should. I always forget everyone is retarded.
okayDude fuck yeah! That shits rediculous. Gimme a sec to think of some, say yours
Its really hard to regulate Strength and/or Consistency with synthetics as currently available.
Strength and Consistency is achieved through strains/cultivation with natural marijuana.
Technically its the same thing as marijuana (components of marijuana)
I had that first time i smoked some spice shit,Ooh, What I ended up with was something that got me completely, I-can't-be-seen-in-public-right-now baked.