anybody gonna be trying TGA's new bagged super soil??????

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There's some really funny/stupid brainwashed people on this forum!
It makes me feel like I'm in the Cult Member section, lol!
Good job sub.

Sub, I have a couple question for you.
I'm a member of many different MJ forums. I visit most of them every day.
Why is it that I only see you posting on the one where the majority of the members are kids?
Why don't you post on the forums where the majority of the members are adults?

I await your response.

I don't understand what your problem is? What is your motive for coming in Subcool's subforum and bashing him?

It's easy to be a hater. It's another thing to actually go out and do things for the community. The funny thing is that people have been asking Sub to make prebagged supersoil forever and he always had refused saying he didn't have time or patience to do it. Since Dioxide is the one who is doing the work Sub finally agreed to do it.

The prior recipe that Sub gave for was for FREE. It wasn't like he had his hands on the profits of his Supersoil ingredients he was using in his mix. He was just showing people how he does it.

Who wouldn't want to know exactly what someone who grows dank that is in every magazine is using? Frankly, I wish more breeders were as open and honest.

I just don't understand what your problem/motive is? Why come into someone else's sub forum and troll with your hate?

If it's such a con-job as you say, why don't you just do it yourself and see how many people are gonna grow using RJ41's soil and genetics see how many seeds you can sell? I don't think you could make it in the competitive seed biz bro and your just hating out of spite.

I await your response.
I'd still buy Sub's super soil at the hydro store... Why you ask? Because I work all day, take care of my family and have little time to work on my garden. If someone can do all the work for me I'd pay them a few extra bucks.. Time is money baby! and I dont have much time these days.
Well they busted the one I helped start you may have heard of it it was called Over Grow
Then they took down CW each Time I lost my passion for forums

Most of the owners of many of the sites you mention owe me a great deal of money.
Rollitup is the oldest existing forum that I have information in and after 15 years I don't feel like re-posting the info.
I also dont really do threads these days to busy and I prefer video and to be honest running TGA is a full time job and a half.
The owner here has always been professional and supporting so even though I am a member of about 20 sites this one is the one I made home.

I also disagree with you about the kids tough most of the purchasers I deal with in the industry are members here all of my testers multiple published cannabis journalist and countless other people who support TGA.
For better or for worse this is my home and to me its more like real life that stuffy over moderated forums.

Here is my question to you it's obvious this is a baited question and you have no respect for what we do at TGA so why are you wasting your short life posting in my forum?
Times short so I'd make the best of it if I were you I am!


If my message reaches even one kid, my time wasn't wasted.

I read the posts, I see who's purchasing your seeds and other items. And the overwhelming majority of your buyers are children.

I'm not cool with that.
Now your going to use the Fed Governments argument?
I can't even buy my gear at 90% of the clubs that carry our gear much less a minor.
Keep trying and by all means waste more of your time in My forum, since this latest onset of troll drama on this now 11 page thread our sales have doubled so keep talking.

Quite the opposite actually in my area none of the young guys know a damn thing about sub. They're all on that Shittty dutch shit. This day and age all the young people are rocking the latest form of hydro and companies like AN and Cyco they are easily influenced by the hydro shops and these forums. Only people that have done plenty of research and trial and error are worth a fuck. I pull hydro yields off subs soil with his seeds but I also try other shit as well. I do what works for me u should do what works for you and stop acting like a little HO crying the next bitch selling pussy for less
If my message reaches even one kid, my time wasn't wasted.

I read the posts, I see who's purchasing your seeds and other items. And the overwhelming majority of your buyers are children.

I'm not cool with that.

Really? What do you consider a child? First off 18 is considered a adult and if your on this forum you are an ADULT. 2ndly I talk with most of the people who regularly post on the forum and they are far from children.

Last, I have not ever seen one picture from you showing any of your skills. I would love to see them. We can compare and I think that my TGA genetics and Sub's supersoil's way will blow yours out of the water. I grew for a long time with bottles and feeding schedules and you know how I got to the next level?....Quit with all the bullshit and started using Sub's methods.

What makes me laugh is that I get shots in HT using Sub's methods and genetics and your telling people how bad it is. It cracks me up.

Your work is published where again RJ41?

I await your response.
If my message reaches even one kid, my time wasn't wasted.

I read the posts, I see who's purchasing your seeds and other items. And the overwhelming majority of your buyers are children.

I'm not cool with that.
So you're doing this for the children's sake? What exactly IS your message? Do you have one? It seems like you just want to complain and get attention.

Subcool is the only breeder that I know of that fills the internet with quality pictures, info, vids and information on his gear and even responds to questions from his customers/fans.
OK! You're starting to get the picture!

Anybody that knows anything about gardening and soil amendments knows that NotSoCool's recipe is nothing more that the same basic ingredients that everybody else uses, only he arrogantly attaches his alias to it and spreads lies about it being "his". What a fucking tool.

The tiny bit of success he's achieved has gone straight to his head. He thinks he's some type of guru and everybody should bow down before him.
If you saw the video of him showing his true colors before he hid it, you'd agree too, he's a tool.

You're new here. Just observe his tactics. Watch how, where and to whom he markets his gear. Also watch how he carefully avoids discussions with veteran growers when those veteran growers challenge his statements or tactics.

The majority of members here are naive kids. Wide eyed, weak and ignorant, reaching out for acceptance and guidance. NotSoCool knows this, and he preys on them. Way too many of those kids (and unfortunately, adults too) have fallen for his BS and are spreading his BS to others, who in turn spread it to others. They just don't know any better. That's why you and so many others still have the wool pulled over their eyes. If enough people are saying the same thing (as in NotSoCool's BS) it must be true. Right?

Be smart and don't believe ANYTHING you read on stoner forums, especially if it's from a person that wants to sell you something.
In fact, don't believe anything I'm saying. Verify everything elsewhere.

buddy i got the picture along time ago, everyone has their own hot soil mixes, they r all primarily the same except a few ingredients. like u or subcool using epsom salts, i dont use it im not gonna go into a list of how are soil mixes differ if u really want to kno u will ask, also anybody who is smart about makin money should consider the idea of packaging a super soil and sell it on the market considering cannabis growing is becoming more and more accepted im sure subs super soil wont be the only hot soil mix advertised for medical patients to come out on the market, think about it its a whole new industry, advanded nutes has already started marketing so called cannabis nutes like kushie kush, ya its all the same nutrients weve been using for years (not advanced nutes i dont use them but was refering to a hot soil mix) so i see no fucking problem with someone makin sum extra coin of off sum soil its their gain they were smart enough to market it, it seems alota the subcool haters are just hating on his success, why dont u package and sell ur own soil mix??? maybe ud have sum success to go along with that big head of urs, doesnt matter that im new here ive been on many forums and have been growin my own med for a decade now i can weed out the bullshitters from the bonghitters, and how the fuck do u know that most of the members on here are young kids "WIDE EYED, WEAK AND IGNORANT, REACHING OUT FOR ACCEPTANCE AND GUIDANCE" lol what are u a fuckin psychologist, unless u somehow have tabs on all the members i dont see how u know their age, and alot of these young kids seem to have alot more common sense than u, i have seen quite a few subcool tips that i dont agree with (o shit gota pull the wool back over my eyes im thinkin for myself lol) but jus because i dont agree with him on sum of his growing practices doesnt mean that i dont respect him, subcool has earnd my respect by posting interestin shit on cannabis for over a decade, he has tookin sum amazing photos of cannabis, he has helpd out alota patients (sorry if u never got free shit from him thats life being in the right spot at the right time) and he continues to help patients even when alot people post bullshit about him, bullshit kinda goes with being successful and for all the bulllshit people say bout him i think he has tookin it alot better than most people would

and dont worry bout me being smart, im am quite intelligent, espcially when it comes to nature and gardening, thas how ive got has far as i have without the help of internet forums, for me internet forums are a place to share photos and new ideas, and if i get stuck on something i can get other growers input to CONSIDER, and dont trip i wont believe anything ur sayin we both have different views on this subject and for me to believe i need sum concrete facts not peoples opinions, thas why i do verify everythin else where, like if someone gives me a grow tip or a tip about a good soil mix i will try it on a test plant and verify that it works before CONSIDERING to use it again

i will ask the samething alota people have askd, why do u come into subcools forum to talk shit, why dont u start ur own forum, the subcool shittalkers, that way u guys can spit shit outa ur mouths to each other instead of stinking up a good thread, im sure that banditt guy would join u, he seems stuck on himself enough to make a day outa talkin shit im sure u guys will have a blast :clap:
Ive got a question about this new bagged "Super Soil"

I was wondering how they are going to source the ingredients for this mix?

Like now, when I make my mix, I use more than 4 different brands of soil amendments... And the current recipe uses roots as a base...

I wonder if they will be raw sourcing everything, and custom blending, or mixing existing products together ...?

Also, I was wondering about cooking times, will they cook it all before bagging?, or just mix, bag and ship?

Whatever the case, thanks for the info, keep on the organic love.

im Ccoastal. nuff said, im not about tooting my own horn, but ask about 18,000 people that question and see the answers that come in, hell even ask your buddy jim or joe and they will tell you im the man with the answers. i teach cannabis, at a level that you have yet to aspire for. but by all means keep sidestepping the questions i am gettin one helluva laugh out of it.

so who are you? nobody seems to have that answer.


Who the phuck are you? NOBODY. WANNABE.

I don't see any answers, just immature ranting.
I'm Captain of the Millennium Falcon , It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you old man.

That was HILARIOUS!!

Ive got a question about this new bagged "Super Soil"

I was wondering how they are going to source the ingredients for this mix?

Like now, when I make my mix, I use more than 4 different brands of soil amendments... And the current recipe uses roots as a base...

I wonder if they will be raw sourcing everything, and custom blending, or mixing existing products together ...?

Also, I was wondering about cooking times, will they cook it all before bagging?, or just mix, bag and ship?

Whatever the case, thanks for the info, keep on the organic love.


was kinda wondering that too cause i use a few different companies as well, when my home worm farm doesnt produce the amount of castings i need i go to the local earthworm factory to get fresh castings, or for buying bagged compost to bring indoors i usually buy garden & bloome compost, im sure they will either have to raw source everything or the company that is releasing the super soil will probably add their brand in, its all the same in the end, bone meal is bone meal whether u buy it in bulk or ina bag from a known company like lilly millers bone meal, but im sure the company that sub is having release the super soil will add their brand in, as far as cookin it i think they will prolly have to let it cook for a bit before shippin it but idk fasure those are jus my guesses
Ive got a question about this new bagged "Super Soil"

I was wondering how they are going to source the ingredients for this mix?

Like now, when I make my mix, I use more than 4 different brands of soil amendments... And the current recipe uses roots as a base...

I wonder if they will be raw sourcing everything, and custom blending, or mixing existing products together ...?

Also, I was wondering about cooking times, will they cook it all before bagging?, or just mix, bag and ship?

Whatever the case, thanks for the info, keep on the organic love.


there will be a base soil you can get, something like "the green avenger soil" and a "charge pack" wich will have the nutes. you will have to get your own worm castings to add.
Have you thought about people in wheel chairs?
What about people with bad backs.
These are just a few of the reason I agreed to test the product and have the nerds access to it for testing as well, thats all I have agreed to so far.

Look It still have to pass my testing which means it has to be as good or better than whats in my cans out back that I been perfecting for a very long time.
Then it has to pass USDA heavy metals test. Then it has to not cause problems or Drama I am a breeder not a soil company. If the people working on this project sort out all of these issues then its possible maybe you will see
the product for retail sale.

If you had ever made the recipe you know its work and if there was a product for real that did exactly what my soil does I wouldnt be out back busting my ass and back I'd be buying pallets of it.


I'm being 100% honest here.
I only have one leg, a bad back, and a serious heart condidtion, yet I'm fully capable of mixing my own grow mediums. It's not hard.

If you feel that a person in a wheelchair or that has a bad back can't mix their own medium, what makes you think they'll be able to lift a heavy bag of soil mix?
What have they been doing for all these years before you decided to sell soil?

Sorry, buy I'm calling BS on that one too, Bro.
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