anybody gonna be trying TGA's new bagged super soil??????

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Wow! Are you all naive?? You're all being conned.

MJ is just a plant, nothing more. It uses the same nutrients as all other plants.
Once you're able to accept that, your eyes might be opened to the shenanigans going on.
People like "NotSoCool" are abusing the medical aspect, lie-ing to people, and preying on the ignorant and uninformed.
Wake up, Knuckleheads! NotSoCool is not the person you think he is. EVERYTHING he does is for profit.

Here's just one of many links with NotSoCool ranting about nonsense:
Ah, nevermind. It must have been too embarrassing because now he's made it private.
The proof is out there people. You just have to open your eyes.

As a final note I'll leave you all with this:

There's absolutely no need to buy expensive soil mixes.
If your current soil is lacking, amend it. Pretty simple huh?

This Rj guy has the right idea.


Let the haters hate :)

you guys do what you think is right and we'll do what we think is right and we can all show bud shots at the end ok?
Last time I checked, talking about and using someones time tested soil recipe, has nothing to do with worship.

If anything, Id love to see "Super Soil" remain an "open sourced" creation of the dedicated organic growers working towards perfecting and sharing valuable info.

Every plant needs a slightly different mix IMO anyways, so the bagged version is more for the "lay" folks, but hey, spread the organic love, rock on Subcool.
Im sure people know they can make their own fucking soil the point is it makes it SIMPLE, as in people dont need to nute burn the hell out of plants because of the learning curve for their fist couple grows. Sounds like your mad cause he's making money, this site is about helping people get the herb they need. If you wanna help try posting a cheap easy way to amend soil thats been proven instead of just talking shit about someone you dont like


When starting new, you shouldn't have to add much of anything to your soil(mix). Don't believe all the bullshit saying you need all these different additives or your plants will not do well or die. It's all just sales and marketing bullshit to separate you from your money.

Here's what I use very successfully:

I use 1 gallon containers with no drain holes. (unless you REALLY know what you're doing, I reccomend using containers WITH drain holes.)
Promix for Vegetables w/mycorrhizae (in the green bag) - $3.99 a bale (2 cf) - comes with enough basic nutes to get most people through 4 weeks of Vegging.
Azomite. - (price varies) add 1 heaping teaspoon to soil mix before planting.
That's it. Nothing but water through Veg.

Espoma Tomato Tone 3-4-6. - only added once during flowering at recommended amount, sometimes a little bit more depending on strain.
Epsom salts during flowering. - Magnesium supplement - $3.00 for 1/2 gallon carton. - Added as needed.
Nothing else. Straight water for most of 12/12, Molasses water toward the end.

Beautiful healthy plants from start to finish unless I do something stupid to eff them up. (which I still do from time to time, lol)

To "re-charge" used soil mixes:
(again, I use 1 gallon containers, so scale up for larger quantities.)

1 cup ewc. - $20 for 30lb bag - all around good soil conditioner.
1 tablespoon Blood Meal - $4.99 for 3lb bag - N supplement.
1 tablespoon Bone Meal - $5.99 for 3lb bag - P and Calcium supplement
1 tablespoon Azomite - price varies - I get a 44lb bag for $26 locally but I've seen it on ebay in smaller quantities - All the micro nutrients you'll need.
2 tablespoons Espoma Tomato Tone w/microbes - $7.99 4lb bag - Organic fertilizer 3-4-6 with microbes.
1 teaspoon Dolomite Lime - price varies. I use Espoma at $4.99 3lb bag. - Mg and Calcium, plus ph buffering.
2 tablespoons of Unsulphered Black Strap Molasses in 1 gal of water.

Mix dry ingredients together. Add (mix in) enough Molasses water to get the mix nice and moist. Let it "cook" for a couple weeks and you're good to go.

Sure, you can buy all sorts of other stuff to add but it's usually not necessary, especially when starting with new soil (mix).
The biggest thing to remember is that mj is just a plant. Treat it as such and you should always have successful grows.

For the record, I dislike any person that preys on the weak and/or ignorant for profit as NotSoCool does. I strongly suggest that all the people that have fallen for his BS start reading through all the posts about how "his" supersoil is too hot for seedlings and small plants. How it runs out of nutes when using smaller than 3 or 5 gallon containers. Read up on how unstable his strains are and how they all have a ridiculous high percentage of Hermies due to being so unstable. FYI - it takes literally YEARS to stabilize a strain, not weeks or months. Yeah, yeah, he blames it on the grower but even very experienced growers have got all hermies with his gear.

Well, I've gotta run. Catch you all later.

*edit: don't forget to add some Perlite too! ....
wow i did not mean for this forum to turn into a heated argument, seriously i was jus askin if anyone was gonna use the bagged super soil when it came out, i didnt know it was gonna be a nutrient boost to add to ur base mix, once sub cleared that up i decided il give it a shot, for all the folk who post shit hatin on subcool, why did u even drop by this thread??? if u dont like him or his products why try to argue with people who do, atleast subcool is a honest breeder, he will tell u where the genetics came from, he has said in plenty of articules tha the brothers grimm bred the apollo line, or that space queen was from vic high, so he has never tried to take credit for other breeders work, he haas jus bred with it to create his own hybrids, there are so many hybrids out there its almost impossible to find true landrace genetics to breed with, and not all of us have the money to thro away traveling the world lookin for those strains, i enjoy subcools hybrids alot more than some other companies, and atleast he doesnt feminize a strain and call it something else like nirvana's ak-48, anyone who grew the ak-48 will tell u its horrible, alota seedbanks dont even have male plants anymore to work with and jus feminize popluar strains, atleast sub is tryin to find new hybrids and works with male plants too not hermies, im gettin kinda tired of people talkin shit on subcool grow the fuck up, man is jus tryin to run a successful buiness, like budologist said let the haters hate and wel all post our bud shots in the end
Subfool is an asshole plain and simple. Follow him a little more closely and you'll see.

As for why I dropped by, well of course to lay that rockin .gif on you guys. :lol:
I think it's silly talking shit about a guy that can't all bad it's not like he is some evil con artist telling lies about his strains and ripping people off. He simply got into a pre established market it's not like he made the market, i mean are his seeds the highest priced seeds on the net with lies about potency and yield..... no. Do you go out and hate on pepsi cause you like cheap store brand cola prolly not. I just dont get what people's problem is with the guy if you think he's a tool ok, but this about his business do you have legitimate complaints or is just you think his seeds are over priced like many others? cause that's really the only legitimate problem iv heard about him beside personal slander
Don't care for his personality at all. Not to mention the nanner fest that is his genetic catalogue. Can we get another space dude x random elite clone flavor of the month strain pl0x? :lol:

When starting new, you shouldn't have to add much of anything to your soil(mix). Don't believe all the bullshit saying you need all these different additives or your plants will not do well or die. It's all just sales and marketing bullshit to separate you from your money.

Here's what I use very successfully:

I use 1 gallon containers with no drain holes. (unless you REALLY know what you're doing, I reccomend using containers WITH drain holes.)
Promix for Vegetables w/mycorrhizae (in the green bag) - $3.99 a bale (2 cf) - comes with enough basic nutes to get most people through 4 weeks of Vegging.
Azomite. - (price varies) add 1 heaping teaspoon to soil mix before planting.
That's it. Nothing but water through Veg.

Espoma Tomato Tone 3-4-6. - only added once during flowering at recommended amount, sometimes a little bit more depending on strain.
Epsom salts during flowering. - Magnesium supplement - $3.00 for 1/2 gallon carton. - Added as needed.
Nothing else. Straight water for most of 12/12, Molasses water toward the end.

Beautiful healthy plants from start to finish unless I do something stupid to eff them up. (which I still do from time to time, lol)

To "re-charge" used soil mixes:
(again, I use 1 gallon containers, so scale up for larger quantities.)

1 cup ewc. - $20 for 30lb bag - all around good soil conditioner.
1 tablespoon Blood Meal - $4.99 for 3lb bag - N supplement.
1 tablespoon Bone Meal - $5.99 for 3lb bag - P and Calcium supplement
1 tablespoon Azomite - price varies - I get a 44lb bag for $26 locally but I've seen it on ebay in smaller quantities - All the micro nutrients you'll need.
2 tablespoons Espoma Tomato Tone w/microbes - $7.99 4lb bag - Organic fertilizer 3-4-6 with microbes.
1 teaspoon Dolomite Lime - price varies. I use Espoma at $4.99 3lb bag. - Mg and Calcium, plus ph buffering.
2 tablespoons of Unsulphered Black Strap Molasses in 1 gal of water.

Mix dry ingredients together. Add (mix in) enough Molasses water to get the mix nice and moist. Let it "cook" for a couple weeks and you're good to go.

Sure, you can buy all sorts of other stuff to add but it's usually not necessary, especially when starting with new soil (mix).
The biggest thing to remember is that mj is just a plant. Treat it as such and you should always have successful grows.

For the record, I dislike any person that preys on the weak and/or ignorant for profit as NotSoCool does. I strongly suggest that all the people that have fallen for his BS start reading through all the posts about how "his" supersoil is too hot for seedlings and small plants. How it runs out of nutes when using smaller than 3 or 5 gallon containers. Read up on how unstable his strains are and how they all have a ridiculous high percentage of Hermies due to being so unstable. FYI - it takes literally YEARS to stabilize a strain, not weeks or months. Yeah, yeah, he blames it on the grower but even very experienced growers have got all hermies with his gear.

Well, I've gotta run. Catch you all later.

*edit: don't forget to add some Perlite too! ....

lol so it sounds like ur soil amending list is pretty close to the super soil recipe, obviously not exact i wouldnt want to insult ur intelligence, but there are quite a few recipes for amending soil and to be honest i wouldnt use urs, i dont use subcools super soil either so dont take it personal i make my own compost heavy hot mix, and btw most hot soil mixes or super soils arnt the best to plant seedlings or freshly rooted clones in, basic horticulture, and it does not take years to stablize a strain, if u know what ur doing and keep good notes, u can do it ina bout a year and half or 2yrs it doesnt take years on in to do it (tho there are a few expections), using a punnett square can help u graph dominant and reccessive traits and u can get a idea of the percentage of plants that will have the traits ur tryin to stablize, certain traits i look for when breeding are the smell, flavor, high, trichome content, hollow stems, bug and weather resistants, and size of root mass, the more traits ur trying to stablize the harder it gets and less percentage of plants breed true

ive grown subcools gear quite a few times and never got hermies, instead of reading on how unstable tga strains check out sum of the other seed banks, their strains arnt very stable and alota companies are jus sellin fem seeds that herm out, ive had a burmese kush that hermed out naturally, no light leaks no excess in nutrients, none of the other seeds hermied out (tho they got pollinated thanx to the herm)

and i really dont see how subcool is preyin on the weak and ignorant, subcool is jus trying to run a buiness and is doing it successfully
for the record i dislike anybody who hates on someone else for being successful
Get used to living in the free market. Worry about how you're gonna make your own money to keep your grow lights operating, keep the water flowing so none of your plants die, and shit, MAYBE you'll make enough to give yourself some food too. When was the last time anyone actually got something at cost? I'm pretty sure I drank a mt. dew earlier, fuck if I dont feel ripped off for paying 75 cents for that can. They're just a whole bunch of sugar chuckers up at that factory! .....

seriously though, you dont like the methods, dont come to HIS portion of the forum. The most important factor from me as an inquisitive grower is being able to effectivly limit the amounts of variable that affect my crop. When the new soil mix comes out, I think I might very well purchase a couple of the charge bags, as this will give me a good basis to carry out my experiments with, eliminating the confusion and madly plant altering terror of liquid ferts, which have provided me with useless, skewed data in the past.
I am proud to be white trash I had to work really hard at it!

I actually come from great parents and private schools I had to work to become this fucked up.

As for the rest I love haters so keep posting away! With every post its like free advertising there is no bad press in business so have at it! Give me your best shot cause I have certainly heard much much worse.
I have been giving away my free soil recipe for almost 15 years now and continue to do so.
The soil thing was proposed to me by others and I think it's freaking awesome that if we pull it off I get free soil for life.
As For the genetics, like every year in the spring rush were sold out of 50% of our products so please by all means join 5 or 6 other boards and post negative things up we love it!

White Trash and proud of it!
Some people work a real career like 50 hours a week. I dont have time to make my own soil.. I'll pay a few extra bucks and buy a bag of "prepped soil" asshole or not it;s always about the money $$$$ everyone would be flat broke if we couldnt turn a profit on things. Selling his own soil to retail outlets is genius in my opinion we all have bills to pay and it saves some us the trouble of making our own "super soil"... Market on Subcool, market on.....
Subfool is an asshole plain and simple. Follow him a little more closely and you'll see.

As for why I dropped by, well of course to lay that rockin .gif on you guys. :lol:

I would like to hear your reasoning behind this?

Is it because he donated excessive meds to patients for free?

Or the fact he raised over 12,00 dollars before xmas for autistic kids?

Or the fact he gives away gallons over tincture to disabled people at the cannabis cups?

Or the facts he has given away free information on growing incredible plants if you have some common sense and a can do attitude?

Maybe it's the fact he has given away thousands of seeds for free over the web plus paid for the shipping

Please fill us in

Don't care for his personality at all. Not to mention the nanner fest that is his genetic catalogue. Can we get another space dude x random elite clone flavor of the month strain pl0x? :lol:

He has made a few new strains recently kinda quick but, what strains hermi i hear some people say they do but never a specific strain or a grow report on them? i don't live some where i can buy clones and theirs hundreds of people growing so i go by what i see on this forum and a few others and all i see is good grows with his gear.
I would like to hear your reasoning behind this?

Is it because he donated excessive meds to patients for free?

Or the fact he raised over 12,00 dollars before xmas for autistic kids?

Or the fact he gives away gallons over tincture to disabled people at the cannabis cups?

Or the facts he has given away free information on growing incredible plants if you have some common sense and a can do attitude?

Maybe it's the fact he has given away thousands of seeds for free over the web plus paid for the shipping

Please fill us in


Him giving away shit to promote his business or for tax deductions has nothing to do with his personality or how he carries himself. Most business give some of their product away promotionally. Nothing new here.

Personally I don't like spending a few hundred bucks on someones so-so genetics only to be insulted by said jackass at a later date for giving him a helpful tip on his bubblehash video on youtube. Not to mention everytime I have run his gear I have had seeds in my herb. Not a ton, but a seed here and there. Gotta be on top of those nanners with this tga shit.

Google his name and you'll find hundreds of people who have beef with him. Whether it be over his gear or the way he has treated people over the years. Like I said, he's a prick, and I for one refuse to put money in the pockets of a prick.
Him giving away shit to promote his business or for tax deductions has nothing to do with his personality or how he carries himself. Most business give some of their product away promotionally. Nothing new here.

Personally I don't like spending a few hundred bucks on someones so-so genetics only to be insulted by said jackass at a later date for giving him a helpful tip on his bubblehash video on youtube. Not to mention everytime I have run his gear I have had seeds in my herb. Not a ton, but a seed here and there. Gotta be on top of those nanners with this tga shit.

Google his name and you'll find hundreds of people who have beef with him. Whether it be over his gear or the way he has treated people over the years. Like I said, he's a prick, and I for one refuse to put money in the pockets of a prick.

So you bought some TGA seeds and then when you posted on a youtube vid I made I didn't suck your dick and now your all pissed off?
Awesome any more insight you can do better than that I know?
Come on dig deep your not even pissing me off yet.
Your going to have to step up your game to annoy me.


So you bought some TGA seeds and then when you posted on a youtube vid I made I didn't suck your dick and now your all pissed off?
Awesome any more insight you can do better than that I know?
Come on dig deep your not even pissing me off yet.
Your going to have to step up your game to annoy me.



lol, you didn't suck my dick but by the looks of ya you've sucked a few.

Anyhow, you're not going to win any supporters being a jagoff to people. After reading the caliconn and rare dankness posts on this forum I would never buy shit from them seeing how they talk to others in the community. Many people feel the same way towards you including myself. Do yourself a solid and stick to breeding, you're not doing yourself any favors putting your personality out in the public eye. No one likes a prick.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but the most beautiful part about it all is, no one has to agree with you.

Lets all put our pants back on and pack a bowl...

Its spring anyways, don't we all have meds to grow...?

Seeds are a gamble no matter who breeds them, Nature is mysterious...

Sometimes you get FIRE, sometimes just beasters... Get over it. Name of the game.

I know people that run hundreds of seeds to find ONE good phenome,

lets not forget, Subcool and other breeders cannot select every gene that gets duplicated at the sub atomic level, its a game of subjectivity and luck.

Some people are just a bit better at playing than others.
lol, you didn't suck my dick but by the looks of ya you've sucked a few.

Anyhow, you're not going to win any supporters being a jagoff to people. After reading the caliconn and rare dankness posts on this forum I would never buy shit from them seeing how they talk to others in the community. Many people feel the same way towards you including myself. Do yourself a solid and stick to breeding, you're not doing yourself any favors putting your personality out in the public eye. No one likes a prick.

Then how did we raise 12K for Autism?
My fav part is how you waste your valuable time posting in my forum it has zero negative effect on what we do and I can do this posting back and forth thing all day its kinda my job.

You embarrass yourself bro so lets see how long you can keep it up as I get paid to do this and I can keep it up for a very long time.

Your turn

Show 58 will Feature Banditt and his awesome contributions to the world.

You wanted my attention you got it :)

Then how did we raise 12K for Autism?

It's funny watching your ego run away with you. The answer to your question is in your question. You raised 12k FOR AUTISM.

People donated...FOR AUTISM...They didn't do it for you subtool.

As for me being emberassed, not in the least bit, I'm exposing an asshole. These are the kinda stories that revolve around you.

Spoke to Subcool one time in chat here. Was just after dropping close to 300 bux
on his lines. When I expressed a concern to him about one of the strains. He
tells me ion chat in front of like 10 people to shut the fug up and please do
not grow my gear anymore. WHOA! At least he said please...muhaha

I mean seriously?!?!?!?

This forum is like the last bastion for subcool lovers. Go most other places and everyone is calling you a dick. :lol:

Won't be long before this one goes south on ya too.
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