Anybody ever got stoned in a hot tub?


Well-Known Member
It's on my stoner bucket list...
Have you ever got stoned in a hot tub? How enjoyable was it?
I would think that shit would be relaxing has hell.


Mmmmmm. It makes me so relaxed and comfortab-----oh shit...........
I have eerie nice in this. Yes Randy, it's all that it is cracked up to be.

That chick in the picture kinda scares me.
getting stoned in a hot tub in my opinion is asking for trouble. because in a tub your heart will beet 10 to 30 beets faster per min . and smoking weed we all know speeds our hearts up 10 to 50 beets per min. what if we combine the 2 ? I would not want to try it personally . but swimming would be fun . the flat water would trip you out.