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That's for sure, the hard part's getting people to answer your threads. The even harder part is knowing whether or not you can trust the information.Hey man dont let anyone knock ya and the way you do what you do. If thats all the lights you can afford then more power to ya. You can grow just fine with what you got BUT you will suffer HUGE in the yeild dept. That plant looks like you got atleast another 5 weeks. But thats just my opinion and opinions are like assholes, everybodies got one and they usually stink.
That's how I'm starting to feel about it. I'm not too worried about how much pot I get, just as long as I know I finally grew my own Marijuana plants after 5 years of smoking everyday. You can only get better and better!hey man thanks and i dont even care if it takes that much longer i just cant wait to smoke my weed its gonna be awesome no matter how shitty it is lol
Thats right man. There is alot of us out here. I just got a wild hair in my ass one day and started growing with a $7 4ft 2 bulb flo and a little 8 in fan and just gradually got a bit bigger and able to grow different strains that might be a bit difficult for some and it was for me until I found this site. There is alot of good people here but there is some that will tell you shit they just made up.yea i didnt know much at first but thanks to this siteall my questions are usually answered so im learning little by little