any tips on poppy growing


Well-Known Member
Are you using a high quality soil? If you are stop. Poppies thrive in crap environments. There's a reason they're the national crop of the Afghans. There's not much else that will grow in most parts of the country. They thrive on abuse and neglect.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I ordered some dry poppies online and there was loads of seeds in them. I took those seeds and planted them in a unused overgrown lot close by.

I just plant them and water them once, let nature do the rest. If there was a drought or something I'd probably give them a water, but I haven't had that problem yet. They grow on there own here (north east ohio).


mayby im babying them too much im gonna try again soon. ill throw some seeds down now and in spring... im in that area too


New Member
First time growing. Not sure how these guys should loook. Stems are red or seem to be turning red once I put them under my lights. Not sure if they are stunned either. How can I strt my own blog. Or is it possoble to help. Ask and I'll let u know whatever. Thank u for any and all help


Well-Known Member
You are getting stem rot, it is the only real danger growing this stuff. You must keep the seedlings dry use well drained soil with lots of sand. I water from the bottom, I.e. Put the pots in water ab
and don't sprinkle the tops. After about the third set of leaves, you can't kill them, dry. Wet hot cold, you won't have an isseu. Only other problem is they don't transplant well.

little butch

Active Member
They are a lil bit picky indoors. I just wait for spring, throw a handful of seeds when expecting light showers and ignore them till they are ready. Works every time...Peace & be kind.

Bud Stankelman

New Member
Little Butch, does it matter where I throw the seeds? Should I rake up an area to create a little seed bed? How exactly do you do it, or do you just literally look for a patch of dirt and throw seeds on it and walk away?


New Member
Seem to be doing better. They are only red looking shortly after beeing pput under lights. Seem to stay that way for a while until a few sets of true leafs grow. Now the problem seems to be stunned plants and possible nute problems. Using a pro porting mix w moisture control. Just seemed to be stunned and slow growing conspired to the ones in peat pots. The others are potted already. How can I help u help me?????