Any tips on a 4x8 and 2 1000


Setting up for flowering in hydroton and 4x8 flood tray....... 2 1000 mh lights.......has anyone tried this i would like some tips


Well-Known Member
if u wanna get fancy run air tube in the cracks in the tray and poke holes in them then put coco mats over them run an air pump to bubble the water when u flood see the roots go nuts lol


My bad im using 2 HPS lights.....also using bc grow for vegitating mothers...... Do you have any information on bc nutrients


Well-Known Member
nope never used it i have used just about everything else at one point or another haha my favorite is house and garden, but im doing a test in my journal on some new nutrient im hearing nothing but good stuff about from good friends of mine switching to it. good rule of thumb though is less is more i would stay at 1.0 ec through veg and max out at 1.4ec in flower keep an eye on that PH with rockwool it will fluctuate


Well-Known Member
depends how big the mothers are i have mothers where i can take 120 off one lol just depends count your tops. i have no personal experience with raptor since i dont deal with hydrofarm. i would recomend if they are anything like sunlight supply hoods they are leaky around the glass so you can run a bead of high temp silicone along the glass seal to ensure airtight enclosure for better heat removal and prevention of smell leaks


I gotta prune my mothers? Or can i just leave them growing wuts better?has anyone grew a 4x8 with 2 1000 hps ebb flow,Sog and no vegg time ima put 120 clones and just flower them anyone qith god ideas plz help first time grow


Well-Known Member
i prune mine depending on the strain and how leafy they are if they block tops i will so that lower areas can get light so it has more clone potential


Anyone grown Kushage and Atrain for Sog and in flood and drain im trying to get it it the first time right soo alot of help would help alot im trying to do 130 plants or wutever i can fit in a 4x8 with 2 1000 im not planning to veg at all from clones root straight to flower any ideas?


i run 60 plants in my 4x4 scrog with a 600w hps. running 2 gph drippers in a tray of expanded clay pepples. start the plants in 3 inch rock wool cubes until about 8 inches tall then bury them in the clay pepples. each plat gets its own dripper. water runs usually about 3 times a day for 15 minutes, sometimes 4 depending on the plants needs at the time. recerculating system with dutch master. very happy with results. think i liked the flora nova better though, havent got the dutch master quite right yet.
i have one of these hoods with the crappy seal, wasn't aware they make a high temp silicone. thanks i will be looking for that at the hardware store soon