any thoughts on Toms tumble trimmer?

Everyone vouching for this product has like 0 previous posts. I've seen a lot of spam threads about this product and wouldn't do business with any company that employs such shady tactics.

Hahaa, right?? If your gonna pull stuff like this, atleast put in a little bit of effort to make it look legit...

Like dhgate, atleast they'll make the reviews look like its coming from a real person...

Hmm, never uses RIU for anything, but will sure as hell come on here to leave a review? Doubt it.
I'm often skeptical too, I think it's healthy but that guys not bullshitting, there are a lot of people in Michigan using this trimmer. From what I've seen it works great. I am thinking about building one tomorrow, it really looks pretty simple!
I'm often skeptical too, I think it's healthy but that guys not bullshitting, there are a lot of people in Michigan using this trimmer. From what I've seen it works great. I am thinking about building one tomorrow, it really looks pretty simple!

Takes a way most of the fun if you ask me..

I can understand if you have a ton of bud to process like some of those dudes in Michigan if I'm not mistaken, they got huge farms out there.

I only have about 20-30 lbs usually and it's easily manageable with 5 friends a ton of booze, weed, fiskars, and a whole weekend.
I'm often skeptical too, I think it's healthy but that guys not bullshitting, there are a lot of people in Michigan using this trimmer. From what I've seen it works great. I am thinking about building one tomorrow, it really looks pretty simple!
Hey Bro, did you ever pick that trimmer up? Ive talked to a couple guys using it and they say they like it. Thinking about picking one up. Any info would be appreciated.
I still have never heard of a good trimming machine from what I've seen they all take A grade weed to shitty B grade. Why spend all that time to grow a beautiful plant just to roll it around in a machine thats going to do a half ass trim job?

but plenty of mid grade trash out their.

Looks like a $15 laundry hamper from walmart
Kind of a necropost but I'm gonna chime in with some real world data. I used a homemade tumbler after seeing my buddies 1600 Tom's tumbler. I used it for years until I picked up a cheap used 1900 model.

1) Yes, it does knock more kief off than hand trimming. Not an extreme amount, and it all ends up in your extract. I view these machines as useful if you have more weight than you can handle hand trimming.
2) you can control how much kief comes off. How long you dry it and to what RH you dry it to effects how much kief will come off. If you only dry/cure to where the bud is still a bit sticky but the leaves are sorta brittle you will keep more kief, but there will be some leaves still on there.
3) You still need to finish hand trim. It goes by REALLY fast compared to hand trimming, you are more or less just doing a quality check and trimming the few errant leaves that did not come off.
Dryer bud=Less touch up, more kief loss. Sticky bud = more touch up, less kief loss. Once again, we aren't talking a lot of kief loss, and its right below in a bucket. you could sprinkle it back on the bud if you felt like it.

So, if you want High Times quality photo finish buds cause that's what gets your rocks off, don't buy this.

If your hands hurt like hell and you still have pounds to go and it's taking forever, get one yesterday.
Kind of a necropost but I'm gonna chime in with some real world data. I used a homemade tumbler after seeing my buddies 1600 Tom's tumbler. I used it for years until I picked up a cheap used 1900 model.

1) Yes, it does knock more kief off than hand trimming. Not an extreme amount, and it all ends up in your extract. I view these machines as useful if you have more weight than you can handle hand trimming.
2) you can control how much kief comes off. How long you dry it and to what RH you dry it to effects how much kief will come off. If you only dry/cure to where the bud is still a bit sticky but the leaves are sorta brittle you will keep more kief, but there will be some leaves still on there.
3) You still need to finish hand trim. It goes by REALLY fast compared to hand trimming, you are more or less just doing a quality check and trimming the few errant leaves that did not come off.
Dryer bud=Less touch up, more kief loss. Sticky bud = more touch up, less kief loss. Once again, we aren't talking a lot of kief loss, and its right below in a bucket. you could sprinkle it back on the bud if you felt like it.

So, if you want High Times quality photo finish buds cause that's what gets your rocks off, don't buy this.

If your hands hurt like hell and you still have pounds to go and it's taking forever, get one yesterday.
I have the 2200 and use it only for kief extraction, not trimming. It handles about 4lbs at a time with yields varying from 10% to 15% depending on the strain.

Well I've never done that... how long do you let it run for? and do you add dry ice to the tumbler? If so how much?
I've never added dry ice, but the drum center is hollow with holes in it for CO2 - and it did come provisioned to use it.

How long? That depends on a few variables - strain, temperature and humidity - it's a winter event. The humidity needs to be below 50%, with the temperature below 10°C (50F). I add about 30 marbles in the drum and a few large SS washers, which I imagine help get the trichomes through the mesh. The zipper seams are taped to prevent plant matter from escaping.

The buds are ground up using a blender (see pic). The tumbler is run slowly and checked periodically for colour/purity. Sometimes, more than 50% of the expected return is achieved in the first 20 minutes. Other times, the return is more gradual. The trichomes are removed at various stages of the tumble - then I'll weigh and calculate % return, from original weight of buds, and label the different grades. Strains vary considerably as to what your return may be. I'll aim for between 10% & 15% return, as beyond that there'll be more plant material. Some tumbles can take up to 3 hours.
