Any thoughts on seedling without cotyledon leaves.?

No cats but my dogs love the cannabis seedlings!!
That might be it then. If he could reach it. I had a beautiful autoflower growing that was picture perfect in preflower about a foot tall at around 3 weeks old a year or so ago. I used this organic fertilizer (which I highly recommend) named Big Blooms and Buds. The Nitogen fertilizer has a fishy smell at first when you put it in. I left my tent open for 2 minutes to go grab something and came back to that plant pulled from the soil broken in half laying on top of the soil, roots and all. I was pissed. The guilt on my dogs face made me forgive him though. There's always another bean to plant.
No cats but my dogs love the cannabis seedlings!!
Weird. Do you have a cat by chance? I've heard of cats nibbling on weed plants. If left outside it could have been anything. I would have to think that something nibbled off the top of your seedling.
That might be it then. If he could reach it. I had a beautiful autoflower growing that was picture perfect in preflower about a foot tall at around 3 weeks old a year or so ago. I used this organic fertilizer (which I highly recommend) named Big Blooms and Buds. The Nitogen fertilizer has a fishy smell at first when you put it in. I left my tent open for 2 minutes to go grab something and came back to that plant pulled from the soil broken in half laying on top of the soil, roots and all. I was pissed. The guilt on my dogs face made me forgive him though. There's always another bean to plant.
oh man I’d be heart broken but shit happens you can always grow a new plant lol