Any TGA that is an appetite suppressant?

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
Right now im growing querkle. i have lots of it and im noticing that im starving all the time. This shit really gives me the munchies like a mother fucker. Are there any tga strains out there that dont do this?


Well-Known Member
Not sure there's such a thing as the anti-munchies... The best anti-munchies I know of are... Uh... Munchies. Eat some and your munchies will go away. :)


Well-Known Member
edamame beans as sooo addicting and make a awesome high snack if your going for a walk. I always find eating a pickle gets rid of my munchies if there not to bad, if a pickle doesnt cure it then i move onto a steak.


Well-Known Member
HA!!!! Dude, the person who finds an appetite-supressing strain of weed, would make a million fucking dollars. Seriously!