any suggestions first time grow plzz


Active Member
1st off I would have started with smaller pots, more plants and upsize as they go. You goona flower with that?


Active Member
Oh, and is that a cardboard box you have fitted with all your goodies? BAD IDEA! That's like starting a fire in the back seat of your car and hoping you don't get burned!Good luck!
for veg it is imo, for flowering you need 200 watt atleast I believe, but I grow outdoors, just trying to help for now until you get rock-solid answers.


Active Member
If you have to ask if its enough then quite probably it isn't.
Best possible scenario you'll yield 1g of smokable weed for every watt of HPS light you put into your grow. Sorry to say CFL's aren't a substitute for HPS.
Looks to me you could ventilate a lot more. Get an exhaust fan as soon as you can, and when you start flowering, you'll need a carbon filter. If I were you I'd cash in your first crop and buy a proper grow tent with real, useful lights, and start all over with that.
thankyou for your feedback for vent all ihave is fan and breeze from a window im not lookin to yeild a ton just enought for me


Active Member
You really need a small grow tent or a closet. A cardboard box will certainly not do in the long run. Look for a 2*2 feet. Should be enough for you.
Also wouldn't worry too much about your relatively large pots. It's easier to use larger pots to begin with then to transplant.


Man those t8 lights use way more energy then they are worth, plus the light output and color is basically useless to the plant for growth. Thats not to mention the heat they put out. I don't mean to bad mouth a guy but with what you have you are wasting your time, but experience will tell you that after you are done with this grow. You are going to spend as much money growing very leggy plants with fluffy buds with very little weight as you would using the right light growing really decent weed. I know that money is hard to come by for most of us but the cost of electricity is the same whether you us the the wrong light (t8) as you would using a t5ho setup or even better get a 400w digi ballast and kick some real ass. If you feed your weed according to the type and output of your light you can grow some amazing plants under a 400w hps. You're going to need to get the stale air out and fresh air in at some point or you are going to create conditions that are unfavorable to grow MJ in. People really over look the importance of recirculating the air when growing. The effects are very noticeable when you figure it out. Save your money on nutes and use JR Peters which is very cheap but produces amazing results when used correctly and with all that you save get a decent light and an exhaust and intake fan. You won't be sorry.