Any small time grower's do you hire any security

That's a great youtube channel, ever watched it?
He interviewed a middle aged guy from Appalachia named Beaver. Poor AF. Dude did all kinds of odd jobs, hunting ginseng, carpentry and growing weed to list a few.
It lead me to believe that the real deal skunk is gone. Just a hunch. But if it was around, guys like Beaver would be growing it, and getting it out to the public. He was direct lineage of that area and I believe would have access to a skunk cut.
That lawnmower looks like it's never been used! It's like it was taken out of the box and added to the other junk more as a decoration! To be honest, when was the last time anyone (younger than a boomer) mowed their own lawn? heh heh I digress.
Bubble wrap in front of that gate so if anyone steps on it it will pop and wake up your security guard. The kind with the big bubbles too, not the little ones. Louder pop.
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