In 1989 after buying a 150w HPS from West Coast Hydroponics (story I heard was E. Coast Hydro got raided, W. Coast Hydro got rid of customer records, but UPS gave up the shipping records, the companies were related) Anyway, the little light was of no concern for the feds, but they shared the info with the local suburban K.C. pigs....This was Operation Green Merchant.
My roommate called me at work...all lights on, house full of cops, what should I do? Uh...don't go home!
They turned off all the lights, and locked the door and left. They returned the next day (Thanksgiving) and did a knock and talk (watch the vids posted), asked if I had seen anything suspicious in the hood the night before, mirandized me and used intimidation to get a 19 year old to allow a warrant less search, where they scraped up 9 grams of Mexican seeds and stems, my 3ft purple acrylic (old school) graphics (old school spelling) bong, and my closet on floor, covered in clothes (lost a roommate). They paraded these in front of the neighbors, but allowed me to drive to station. (I bought my weed then from a cool chick with a family, and I was afraid my friend would mention Julie's name so I told them he had nothing to do with anything, he just rented a room from me.
The cops wanted me to narc on somebody. they said call from their phone, wear wire...they swoop in, bust everyone...let me go out the back...
I told them I had to think about it...they let me. Called me a couple of months later, I worked night and was asleep, told them I needed more time...they came to my work two weeks later and made me sign a signature diversion...quit smoking for 18 mos, they never made me piss.
Point is this was a Kansas PD, and they did not even care if the bust took place in Missouri, though they would prefer in Kansas...the municipality was not even an issue.
F@ck the police and anyone who says different.