Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

its nice where I live in canada and its legal to have up to 10 plants and 1 ounce of hearb not split up for sale ;) and there's a few beaches near me but we also have a river down the hill :P


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is weird. I just went outside to check out my vegetable garden and I have a tomato plant that has a flower growing out of a flower. Anyone seen anything like that???


Hey, this is weird. I just went outside to check out my vegetable garden and I have a tomato plant that has a flower growing out of a flower. Anyone seen anything like that???
huh that's intresting , that's like a pic I seen on here where a guy had a bud growing from the base of the leaf


Active Member
This just cracks me up. Maybe we need to start a dating site to bring growers together, however, I never met a girl who was into risking jail time, eliminating closet space and alienating society for a few oz of herb. Id be willing to be there is 99 men for every 1 woman with the passion for ganja growing.


Well-Known Member
This just cracks me up. Maybe we need to start a dating site to bring growers together, however, I never met a girl who was into risking jail time, eliminating closet space and alienating society for a few oz of herb. Id be willing to be there is 99 men for every 1 woman with the passion for ganja growing.
I'll take that as a compliment.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am in Socal too, it actually hailed this morning in LA, that global
warming is CRAZY

how is hail caused by global warming? It's frozen rain.
im 30 fit a med user and live somewhat close north hollywood??. i of course also love growing breeding etc,, all for love of the plant.
you just learned what evil women can cause. sorry. :fire:

Hey I'll be in your neighborhood tomorrow. I'm going to the Farmacy. Want to meet up?
Nice knowing you Biker Dude...

I think I'm going to move to a warehouse for the next grow. I don't like it being in my house. There are too many people here. I have the housekeepers here right now. They haven't said anything but it's not cool that so many people know.
This thread is getting...interesting...?

On the next Love Connection:Stoner Edition....
She's a hot female horticulturist looking for someone who won't put his thumb on the scale.......:)
Behind Door #3...It's Officer Stedenko!...your Busted!

i want a woman with the same interests myself in my area. she has to be ok with me being a farmer not a worker. and have enough room fopr monsters. i'm legal so theirs no worries there.
Is your wife cool with it?



Well-Known Member
Duke, if you saw my fingernails, you would know I'm not a cop. I grow in dirt and they always show it. Do you know any cops with dirty nails?


Dam!!! Your hot im 23 latin an french an germmen mixed im taken butt i can be your friend if you wanna see me and my fams my space just type in heath gentry at myspace search an you can check my fams pics just dont adreess any coments to me cause my girl dont let me talk to other women she gellish very jellish if you wanna talk to me just talk to me on this site


Well-Known Member
I want to see your dirty nails...your dirty toenails too. Heck. while you're at it just get naked and be done with it.

:peace: :joint: ~Boneman


Well-Known Member



Nice knowing you Biker Dude...

This thread is getting...interesting...?

Behind Door #3...It's Officer Stedenko!...your Busted!

Is your wife cool with it?

Seriously man, you give the cops too much credit. Have you ever known one? I really am a chick. I really do grow weed. I really do love it. I really do smoke everyday. I really am good at this. I really do want a boyfriend that is into it too. Just because I have the balls to put it all out there on the table doesn't mean I'm not sensitive. I HATE THE IDEA OF ANYONE THINKING I'M A COP! Geez. I'd rather go back to church.
Seriously man, you give the cops too much credit. Have you ever known one? I really am a chick. I really do grow weed. I really do love it. I really do smoke everyday. I really am good at this. I really do want a boyfriend that is into it too. Just because I have the balls to put it all out there on the table doesn't mean I'm not sensitive. I HATE THE IDEA OF ANYONE THINKING I'M A COP! Geez. I'd rather go back to church.
I've never had any thing to do with the law and I still don't like cops go figure eh?


Well-Known Member
Think about it. There are a lot of stupid people out there. How many times have we been frustrated, mad, furious at people that are stupid or doing something stupid. Now imagine what you would do if you had the authority to extract money from them or send them to jail. Over time, I'm sure that it would be tempting to be an asshole. Plus they start off with several disadvantages. I mean, come on. What kind of person would want that job????