Any religious people here (muslim or any religion that weed is not allowed)


Well-Known Member
I feel guilty and bad but at the same time I enjoy my weed, share your thoughts how do I get over this guilt I want to balance both religion and this but it's not allowed apparently and if you're smoking your body spiritually and physically isn't cleansed to pray and practice etc...
My wife is a Muslim & she uses mj heavily for Multiple Sclerosis, Bone Density disorder , Austio Arthritis & a few other medical issues like Neuropathy.

Medicines are allowed , recreational drugs are not .
Yeah medical is fine but, I don't think I have physically be prescribed lol I do think it helps more than just "high" but I don't have a real medical reason to use it.
Damn so many anti religion and atheists weed smokers, is there any out there that do religion and smoke at same time?
Your body is a temple son... you must keep it pure. You wouldn't go spray paint(tag up) a church would you? Then why would you do that to you templeo_O

oh yea Fuck your God

Why are you looking for someone to tell you its ok to smoke weed and follow YOUR god? You already tell yourself whatever you want so just do it... or don't

Who gives a shit?
I'm not I just want to know if someones on the same boat and how do you deal with it, is there a way to truly balance them or you have to abandon one?
I feel NO guilt about the things I do in relation to a "higher power".

But, if you're getting all angsty about going to church high, you gotta make it right with yourself somehow.

I'm 100% more likely to think that an alien race started "the big bang" or that we're all in the Matrix, than believe any of the things I have heard about...well any religion that has to do with the Bible.

I'm not saying it was Aliens....but it was ALIENS...

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You can't use that excuse homie, that's to make yourself feel better about your sins everyones responsible for their own actions.

I am a Christian & as allready stated my wife is a Muslim who is very active in her religion , the laws in her book & my book are open to interpretation, our interpretation is that if the substance allows you to lead a better more productive life then its useage is ok , she will even drink alcohol on very rare occasions to help her relax , no pork though :(

Spirit body & mind all work together brother , if one is sick the others will follow , if using a substance in moderation allows you relaxation which contributes to you having better spirit or mind then one can interpret where it is medicinal useage .

No one can tell you how to worship or what values to have , keep in mind the New Testament & Quran are guidelines as to how we should lead our lives , not a mandate of blind adherence to the literal exacts ( Fanaticism) if your comfortable with your useage & truly feel it adds to the quality of your life then your conscience should be clean , if your useage is leaving you guilt ridden then its best to abstain from using & pray for the right answer.

For the non believers who dont pray , prayer allows the believer to meditate as well as ponder the consequences of his actions , something every human being should do even if its not prayer to a god & is just reflecting on ones position in life .
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I am a Christian & as allready stated my wife is a Muslim who is very active in her religion , the laws in her book & my book are open to interpretation, our interpretation is that if the substance allows you to lead a better more productive life then its useage is ok , she will even drink alcohol on very rare occasions to help her relax , no pork though :(

Spirit body & mind all work together brother , if one is sick the others will follow , if using a substance in moderation allows you relaxation which contributes to you having better spirit or mind then one can interpret where it is medicinal useage .

No one can tell you how to worship or what values to have , keep in mind the New Testament & Quran are guidelines as to how we should lead our lives , not a mandate of blind adherence to the literal exacts ( Fanaticism) if your comfortable with your useage & truly feel it adds to the quality of your life then your conscience should be clean , if your useage is leaving you guilt ridden then its best to abstain from using & pray for the right answer.

For the non believers who dont pray , prayer allows the believer to meditate as well as ponder the consequences of his actions , something every human being should do even if its not prayer to a god & is just reflecting on ones position in life .
True I agree except the alcohol part, but think about it this way what if weed is like adam's apple tree it's there as temptation but isn't suppose to be touched if that makes sense? what do you think about that interpretation? I personally wouldn't stop smoking I love it + I spent way too much money on the equipment to stop now.
True I agree except the alcohol part, but think about it this way what if weed is like adam's apple tree it's there as temptation but isn't suppose to be touched if that makes sense? what do you think about that interpretation? I personally wouldn't stop smoking I love it + I spent way too much money on the equipment to stop now.
I think, if you're not hurting anyone, what kind of a Gawd would care?
True I agree except the alcohol part, but think about it this way what if weed is like adam's apple tree it's there as temptation but isn't suppose to be touched if that makes sense? what do you think about that interpretation? I personally wouldn't stop smoking I love it + I spent way too much money on the equipment to stop now.

So you create a thread saying you feel bad about smoking but then post saying you won't stop because you invested too much money?
True I agree except the alcohol part, but think about it this way what if weed is like adam's apple tree it's there as temptation but isn't suppose to be touched if that makes sense? what do you think about that interpretation? I personally wouldn't stop smoking I love it + I spent way too much money on the equipment to stop now.

Its extremely unlikely that mj would be the proverbial apple we arent supposed to partake of because its literal contex is the fruit was ate , i dont think taking a big bite out of a bud would be very tasty to anybody looking for a food source .