any R.I.U members with..

I agree with tip top to a degree. I don't buy that "fashionable" clothing but I'll drop a pretty penny on cloths like Marmot, Mountain hardware or northface. But I argue that these are the top brands in their category and are usually high quality when failure of a a zipper could mean freezing your balls off
There was no upgrade, i bought a 42" off the bat

This has nothing to do with upgrading or anything. I can buy a belt of identical quality and size for 10% of the price as one from LV, both do exactly the same thing. You are paying more because they got the Chinese kid to stamp LV on it, nothing more. It's not better. Personally if i really care about how others perceive me, i'd rather wear clothes that people won't see and think "what a douche" :lol:

cool story brah..

b69b46ec-3fa9-40df-bf67-fae1f2851bb8 by +DROPZILLA+, on Flickr

now gtfo the thread..
Exactly. I'll happily pay more money for a top brand should you be paying for more than a name, as you say, you are paying for material quality, guarantee, etc, but i'm not gonna spend 10x as much money on something of identical quality just because it's made by a certain company.

I'll stay right where i am thanks :D
I'm going to agree with the people saying not to buy Gucci or LV.
Those are both such played out status brands.

I'm not saying you need to buy gear at walmart, but there are a shitload of good designer brands out there.
It would be a lot more bad ass if you found some high quality designer brands that most people don't know about and wont already have.
But that wouldn't work, without LV plastered all over the thing, how would people know how expensive his clothes are?
this is a $255 dollar belt from gucci:

This is a $30 belt from Calvin Klein:
I'll come straight with ya i go to goodwill (second hand shop) and they have alot of clothes shops donate i always find good shit with the tag still on for like 6 bux. thats how i roll. i do buy clothes from actual shops to but it feels good to pick up one hell of a bargin.
Being around affluent people daily... those that buy designer brand clothes don't just buy a belt, in fact I don't think they'd be caught dead ONLY buying a Gucci belt, that means you're rather broke.

They buy multiple outfits, they buy the accessories, they buy the gloves and the hats and the shoes... just buying a belt isn't an upgrade, you're needlessly spending money for something that will not make a bit of difference to your life.

Sure you may like it, but in the end it's a 3 foot long piece of leather and a bit of metal, I can think of a lot better things to spend $250 bucks on, like taking a gal out to eat a super nice restaurant, promised to get you further in to the night with her than some Gucci belt she won't even notice.

Either way, I need to go pick up my Canali suit... I've a funeral to attend tomorrow.

cannabineer - why are you so serious in all your posts?
your like Robert from Everyone Loves Ray.. jk
to tell u the truth, any hook up is fake. theres really no way to get anythiing for cheaper than it is in the retail store. i believe u would have more luck gettin ggucci on sale than louie. louie is never on sale. it's retail price or it's fake or it's used & maybe sightly beat-up. sorry

please don't buy a fake, they alwys suck
cannabineer - why are you so serious in all your posts?
your like Robert from Everyone Loves Ray.. jk

The seriousness comes from knowing that my talent is both a privilege and a responsibility. Not many can carry it with the necessary dignity. Noblesse oblige. cn
fuck buying fakes - you can tell as soon as you look at them
someone on here has too have a hook up at a store!!

currently own this wallet - 400 bucks - traded a spare iphone3 and one blue transformer thizzle for it haha
Louis Vuitton makes good ass products

LV by +DROPZILLA+, on Flickr

not a real big gucci fan..
want something simple.. something i can wear as an every day belt and still look presentable at interviews
tell me these are dope as fuck..

gucci by +DROPZILLA+, on Flickr

gucci by +DROPZILLA+, on Flickr
Who cares stop worrying about HIS money. If hes got extra to spend let em fucking spend it and look however he pleases. Dam nobody says shit about a guy in a lambo or bently or should he be driving a corvette and mustang and not "waste" extra moeny. No if you got the money to spend it on the better shit you do. 100 dollar steak or normal price one, jordans or reeboks, iphone or burner, gold watch or digital strap on. Dam hating much?