Dude Ryan G is a bad ass in Drive. I want his scorpion jacket, and car, and that chick, and all that monies!!!
Dude Ryan G is a bad ass in Drive. I want his scorpion jacket, and car, and that chick, and all that monies!!!
If I wasn't saving for some new skis I totally would buy it. Guaranteed to get you laid!
I have a pair of nikes that same off-white color with a yellow/gold check, this fucking jacket is mine.
Can never have too many jackets.
How sad does one have to be to buy an LV belt? Seems really fucking vain to me.
matching purse?
42" actually. The brand name doesn't mean anything id it does as it is intended. With LV you ae paying silly amounts more money under this idea that people will think you look cool or are hip or something.