Any one used Ceramic HPS from Hortilux


Well-Known Member
It's about time for me to replace my bulbs in my gavita de 1k. A while back I saw hortilux came out with a ceramic HPS bulb in addition to their regular de bulbs. I'm thinking about trying them out but want opinions or feedback from anyone who has used them. I posted the spectrum below as well as their spectrum for hps. One thing that confuses me is that they list their umol output for hps but not the ceramic hps.

that's interesting!
would the less time needed to end becouse of loads of far ad deep reds,
would be more desiderable than the increase in thc in consequence of more UV a+b?
Nah these bulbs are designed to use with regular de hps ballast I checked the website for compatibility. But so far I can't find info from anyone who has used them.
Some people were excited by them a few years back, but CMH overshadowed them for whatever reason, and now with the rise of LED...
I tried using Hortilux's CMH 315 bulbs for my last grow and I got some nice flowers.

This grow I switched out that bulb for a true Phillips Agro 315 about 2 1/2 weeks into flower and I noticed an immediate response in bud growth rate. It was 3 different strains so I don't think it was just coincidental but I guess one never knows. I do like the light output from the Phillips over the Hortilux though.
I always get a boosted harvest with fresh bulbs ;-)

Yes, but I had only used the Horti for one other grow, and I flower on an 8/16 schedule. The actual output is different. CMH are designed with a different overall service life profile than other lamp technologies. This was one of the original selling points. It might just be Phillips lamps...
These are nice and not your typical double 500w or triple 315w arc tube frankenstein bulbs. I have 4xxx series phantoms so I can run them but I'd sure like to try if I upgraded to compatibile fixtures
Philips 315 seems just a little better everywhere according to growers here as well as a few tests I know of. They do make a lot of bulbs.
These are nice and not your typical double 500w or triple 315w arc tube frankenstein bulbs. I have 4xxx series phantoms so I can run them but I'd sure like to try if I upgraded to compatibile fixtures
Thats what stopped me from giving them a go.
I think both you guys run phantom ballast or sunsystem ballast right? They are both on the list of being compatible on hortilux website. I posted as above.