Any of you stoners like to read?

I didn't read the whole thread.

Science fiction is great, but seem to be more of a niche today. So I recently picked up the classic, the very best, from Isaac Asimov; "THE COMPLETE ROBOT".

It is a compliation of his robot-novels. Only robots. He invented the "3 rules", and he wrote about Robots BEFORE the word got the meaning it has today.
Highly reccomended for science fiction nerds.

My favorite novel: "Victory Unintentional", first lines: "The spaceship leaked, as the saying goes, as a sieve. It was supposed to. In fact, that was the whole idea."


Well-Known Member
Was listening to Coast2Coast last night, now I have to read this:

I was listening to C2C last night too.. George Norry has the best guests.. was listening to David Childress about the Annunaki/Nephlim

which ep was this from? I am listening via youtube to what gets posted there..


Virtually Unknown Member
this was live last night. Corsi is so damn believable and his work appears so well documented, I don't know what to think. He's published quite a few books. Something about George's attitude and responses to guests strikes me as off putting occasionally. Art Bell is still probably my favorite, followed by John Wells. I listen to a lot of AM radio/podcasts.


Well-Known Member
The Kalevala is pretty fuckin good, love those sort of legendary tales. The Norse sagas in general, Anglo-Saxon and Briton too. Some of the Roman chroniclers were pretty excellent. Taliesin, Snorri Sturlason, Amianus, all kinds of good shit

you gotta get hold of some Patrick Rothfuss, it's the only thing I've ever read that can be legitimately compared to Tolkien
if you like the norse sagas, check out Outlander or Grettir's Saga. pretty fantastic.


Well-Known Member
i loved a song of ice n fire read them a few times, pappilion is a good read too read that many times, mr nice is a great read also, james herberts fog,survivor,rats, the liar all good easy entertaining reads that ive enjoyed, carnt say i read all the time tho for me anyway smoking n reading dont work ive read alot more not smoking than i have.