any "non-medical" growers who've ordered seeds online. is it safe?


Active Member
just wondering if many "non-medical" growers have ordered seeds online without problems. i was thinking of ordering from attitude but im a little leary of having seeds delivered to my house. how safe is it really?


Active Member
This topic has been discussed over and over and over again.
Search is your friend...
i think you couldve gave an answer in less words than your little comment. you wasted more time giving a lecture than you would have giving an answer. couldve wasted even less time by just passing through and not even bothering to reply. actually... try that next time


Active Member
Just order thru TUDE got mine..ordered on friday at days end and hade them the following friday thats service plus even more extras then i was supposed to get becuase i just asked....USE TUDE NOONE ELSE..Do a test run under 150 if u wanna just try and u can do stealth i got a shirt nice shirt too in cruch proof tin..


Active Member
And they do guaranteed delivery for like 10 bucks more just encase anything happens at customs which prob wont but just encase


Well-Known Member
just wondering if many "non-medical" growers have ordered seeds online without problems. i was thinking of ordering from attitude but im a little leary of having seeds delivered to my house. how safe is it really?
been ordering seeds online for more then 5 years, not a single problem once. ALWAYS use trusted bean slingers thou.


Active Member
oh did i say i wasnt a med grower? i asked if any non-med ppl ordered and said i was leary of ordering myself. sure i may have insinuated that but i dont see it bein used against me. be hard to use any posts against me really, i could be making everything up. but if a "non-med" grow did happen to get caught ordering seeds, now that might be used against that said person. so im still worried about ordering and still not worried about saying i may or may not be a med grower


Well-Known Member
If I lived in a very small town(3000 or less) I would worry, other than that no. The postman if so inclined, could check the address from sender and narc you out. That is very unlikly imo, unless you keep getting envelopes one after the other from UK and he is a no life asshole.

I live in a city of I guess 20,000 and am a med patient, so I do not worry a lot about it. The DEA does not go after people that get caught importing small amounts of seeds, you just get a letter from customs saying they took your seeds.

Bill Wilson

Active Member
"They" do not care about you. Are you serious? You realize 80% of ganga in the USA is shipped at Christmas from Nor Cal right, UPS.


Well-Known Member
why does it matter if your a med grower or not...the seeds go through customs...which is federal...who still see marijuana as illegal no matter what state your asking non med growers if they get their seeds is the same as asking a med grower if they matter how many times people say my grow is "legal" it isnt...let the feds come knocking on your day and say "im legal" and see how that shit floats.they will laugh at you as they take your house,your cash,and all your plants.
but like the others have said...this has been gone over many times on many threads for many years...had you done a little research on your own you would have seen that not one single person has been brought up on charges for getting seeds shipped to them...not one.but to sum it up..medical and non medical has just as much of a chance of getting seeds taken as the other,but both are just as likely to receive them.


Well-Known Member
even if you are a med grower, it is still against federal law to transport seeds. but in my experience the only thing you have to worry about is customs finding your seeds and then sending you a letter, and if you had them guaranteed, then you still get your seeds.


Well-Known Member
My last order was from World of Seeds bank and...

1. Right on the package is said "CANNIBUS SEEDS". Passed through customs no problem.
2. Came with a Cannabis newspaper.
3. Came with numerous Cannibus adds with big bright colored pictures.

My order got here in two days from them and I have never had any problems. Ordering online will never get you caught, talking about it with people will.