Any musicians?


Well-Known Member
If so, what instrument do you play and what styles/genres of music do you play?

I'm a little handy on both guitar and drums and mainly play Death Metal, currently learning some Decrepit Birth tabs and also I'm trying(and failing) to learn some Dying Fetus. Really, really takes it's toll on you, especially songs from their Decend into Depravity album, such mental drumming in that!

This is the latest songs I've fully mastered(well, sort of :P) on guitar and drums.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I play guitar, acoustic mainly, and ukulele. As far as styles and genres, I love to play reggae and anything bob marley. Hawaiian music, jawaiian music *Hawaiian reggae* . But I also like to play all kinds of music. Whatever sounds good to me


i like to play acoustic guitar, sometimes maybe electric if im in the mood, i like the play things like : blackbird ; wish you were here but i make my own versions ; i like to also make alot of my own things up and songs from james taylor are especially fun, because of the fingerpicking, carolina in my mind comes to mind, i also like to play some jerry of course, but i need to learn more, i have only been playing for 1 year, not nearly long enough to consider myself a musician, but i do enjoy plucking a 6 string i do


Well-Known Member
I play guitar, acoustic mainly, and ukulele. As far as styles and genres, I love to play reggae and anything bob marley. Hawaiian music, jawaiian music *Hawaiian reggae* . But I also like to play all kinds of music. Whatever sounds good to me
hahahahahahahahahhhahahahaha i knew u played the ukulele


Well-Known Member
I play guitar, acoustic mainly, and ukulele. As far as styles and genres, I love to play reggae and anything bob marley. Hawaiian music, jawaiian music *Hawaiian reggae* . But I also like to play all kinds of music. Whatever sounds good to me
Nah, you just play the spoons. Sometimes the saucepans too. On good days maybe the steel drums too!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks but no thanks.:evil:

one time i had my dick sucked with pop rocks from this korean hoe... i dont advise anyone do this .. my flute hurt like a mother fucker... didnt feel good... bitch did a shady job getting all the candy off my dick so some of it ended up in my pubic hair and shit... i tried to pull it off and and some pubic hair got pulled off which again hurt like a mother fucker... get what you will outta this im just sayin kids dont get ur dick sucked with poprocks... holla at ur boy


Well-Known Member
Bass (6-string), but me no slappy.
Also keyboards.
And the computer (Ableton Suite 8 ).
And the love basoon. But only my own.


Sector 5 Moderator
I play electric guitar; I still have the '67 Gibson Trini Lopez that I bought new while I was in 10th grade. I also have a custom painted Charvel model 6 and a 1973 100w Marshall Master Lead Mk. II with new, matching tubes. I play classic rock, mostly "southern rock", but also old school psychedelic music also.


I play electric guitar; I still have the '67 Gibson Trini Lopez that I bought new while I was in 10th grade. I also have a custom painted Charvel model 6 and a 1973 100w Marshall Master Lead Mk. II with new, matching tubes. I play classic rock, mostly "southern rock", but also old school psychedelic music also.
Jealous :mrgreen:. Anybody gotten into midi stuff recently? Some sick stuff out there, I play guitar and just picked up a mim standard strat with a built-in roland midi pick-up and controller. Just saw a band called cosby sweater and one of the guys played an EWI or electronic wind instrument. They made some sexy beats, can't wait to see 'em at the forest.[video=youtube;HeFELcQhHMQ][/video] get jazzy.
I play bass and guitar. Vocals also. Mainly bass though, BC Rich Beast. I listen to death metal and black metal mainly, going through a faze of symphonic death metal.

.bc rich.jpg
Literally just joined this today, had no idea where to start so went to music section when i found it.


Well-Known Member
I play guitar and do vocals! Death metal, soul and bob! That is about it! I have seen dying fetus live!
Wake&bake and a cuppa tea, cant beat it. :bigjoint:

Thanks man. Tryin to get some new equipment for home studio so i can properly record some of my own stuff, just got my multi-track desk. :razz:


Well-Known Member
I was a pro for over 20 years. I am a singer, songwriter, bassist. I am the re-incarnated Paul McCartney..... Whoops hes not dead....okay Phil Lynott jk Im not that good. My band put a couple cd's out on an indie label. We had some mediocre success. Radio top 5 and our video made it on Much Music. We were getting a lot of college radio station airplay and invites to play gigs across Canada. One key member couldnt tour because of job/wife/kids. we tried to replace him but it just didnt as Zappa said.... 'The band broke up....and it looks like....we will never play again'


Well-Known Member
Its quite the buzz to be driving home at 4am, threw a blizzard. Having come from a gig where 8 people showed up and your song comes on the radio