Any MDMA connoisseurs?

I honestly don't know. The first 2 hours were like my first time (which was definitely, 100% for sure, really good MDMA) but speedier, more rushy, I got alternating hot/cold flashes and touching was good but not as amazing as last time. Speaking was like verbal diarrhea, I felt like I could say anything, but I felt little control over what I was saying, and silences in our group felt awkward (something I never felt the first time). I was filled with a nervous energy. Then something strange happened, it was an external stressor that wasn't even that serious, but it completely killed my high. All the good feelings left, and I was only left with a ball of nervous, paranoid, anxious feelings. Even after the stressor was eliminated, the high didn't return no matter how I tried to relax myself and get the good vibes back.

The comedown was shit. I was paranoid and tired yet wired, while my girlfriend (who took the same shit) was deeply depressed and crying. The next day I was achy all over, nauseous, and had a bitch of a headache. Today is 2 days later, I woke up with a bad stomach ache and couldn't keep breakfast down.

Also, I didn't read the colourful post, it gave me a headache just looking at it.

I did try everything in the earth all those only the first time you really fly, molly don't sale house car and lose family
Mostly is the depression I love that way I'll felling like shift judging my self why but weekend I'll make all go alway
Hi all

Ive got a few questions regarding the intake and effect of this substance on me.
I recently think i got hold of the absolute best mdma ive come across. Today i made 2 caps of 50mics to go partying. I teste it before with just a finger dab a wee while back and that was just right.
Took the first not much happened for a couple of hours, took the last and all hell broke lose.
Even though i had sunglasses on and my eyes were totally shut i could still see the intense club lights flashing. As it was getting more intense i sorta started feeling a bit sickish though i dont know if this could be due to lack of breath and slight exhaustion from skanking for a couple of hours. It got worse i felt dizzy and drowsy lights reaaaally didnt help so went to the stairs and kinda half coughed half puked and felt tons better after.
However this happened again from just sitting outside, massive wave hit me and it was as if i couldnt breathe enough?? I do think i made myself dizy from dancing about slowly eyes shut while seating, but after cough/puking i felt better and like i was getting enough air.

Id really appreciate some input. MDMA is my favourite drug in whole world and for some reason i think its much more than just a drug WHEN taken propperly. when one takes too much i think it becomes a tottally different experience. I think that could be what hapened to me, though on such little dose? I made small doses cause i just wanted a little energetic motivation to dance but fucking hell i actually thought something bad was happening to me at some point.

same here.. got some FIRE.. and im talking.. the first night we bought a gram.. and in the past.. we would take.. .1 to get going.. and about .1 after it hits us.. and we took .1 and waited like 2 hours.. and was like ok im feeling good but maybe we took to little.. (in the past .2 always did the trick.. ) .. so we popped another .1 after waiting.. and literally 5 mins after i took my second cap.. i said to myself. OO FUCK i took to much .. it hit me like a ton of bricks.. right away.. i had a good 2-3 hours of amazingness.. and then boom. the second one kicked in.. and man.. it was harddd rolling.. and kinda trippy.. and i puked 1 time.. and was great after that lol..

the stuff i got .. was a little off colored. and smelled like rootbeer/liquorice and came in a shard..

we ended up doing .15 and had an amazing time a month later or so.. amazing stuff. if u wana do MDMA. get a powder scale.. so u dont OVER DO IT. lol.. it can really destroy your time.. and make some people never want to do it again..

i find MDMA to be a drug were if i need to sort out something in my head.. stress or anything.. this is the drug lol.. has huge medicinal value.. same with Shrooms and Acid.. all 3 have great potential .. but anything can and will be abused. and that can lead to issues..

be safe.. and purchase from a known source.. and or get a testing kit off the net..
I'm definitely not a connoisseur... I rolled for the first time 2 days ago and it was incredible! I was with my gf and one of my best friends and another guy and we all connected so well and talked and listened and learned about each other. We went for a walk (I ran a lot) and I rolled (haha) in the grass which felt great cause I was rather warm, and we all cuddled in this park. My gf and I worked through some issues in our relationship too.

It was a very positive experience... But I chewed the shit out of my cheeks and the comedown sucks, even though I had a strong afterglow the next day.

also.. GOOD MDMA.. shouldnt have a BAD Comedown.. nor HANGOVER.. pure mdma atleast.. shouldnt have as much of an effect.. its alot of the cuts.. and other shit left behind during the extraction process to keep wieght.. alot of chemists skip the acetone wash.. to ensure a clean product.
but remember.. alot of the MDMA on the market.. isnt even close to pure.. and alot of people skip steps that cause people to get sick.. i went on a festival/show run from 2007-2013.. n i found that only the select few have clean shit. . but wen i find clean.. i buy as much as he will allow to be honest.. usually just a 8th or something..

but remember alot of the dudes making it arent real chemists.. just some dude with lab equipment.. and some directions.. and those dude can end up killing/poisoning tons of people BADLY.

this entire MOLLY MOVEMENT is horrible.. no1 knows what there taking.. and there isnt a way to prove that its only MDMA.... most stuff sold as MOLLY.. on the streets is M1.. or meth .

the M1 is causing early onset parkinsons. so becareful
also.. GOOD MDMA.. shouldnt have a BAD Comedown.. nor HANGOVER.. pure mdma atleast.. shouldnt have as much of an effect.. its alot of the cuts.. and other shit left behind during the extraction process to keep wieght.. alot of chemists skip the acetone wash.. to ensure a clean product.
but remember.. alot of the MDMA on the market.. isnt even close to pure.. and alot of people skip steps that cause people to get sick.. i went on a festival/show run from 2007-2013.. n i found that only the select few have clean shit. . but wen i find clean.. i buy as much as he will allow to be honest.. usually just a 8th or something..

but remember alot of the dudes making it arent real chemists.. just some dude with lab equipment.. and some directions.. and those dude can end up killing/poisoning tons of people BADLY.

this entire MOLLY MOVEMENT is horrible.. no1 knows what there taking.. and there isnt a way to prove that its only MDMA.... most stuff sold as MOLLY.. on the streets is M1.. or meth .

the M1 is causing early onset parkinsons. so becareful
Why the fuck does anyone take street-lab drugs? Is it really worth risking your health over an unknown substance?
also.. GOOD MDMA.. shouldnt have a BAD Comedown.. nor HANGOVER.. pure mdma atleast.. shouldnt have as much of an effect.. its alot of the cuts.. and other shit left behind during the extraction process to keep wieght.. alot of chemists skip the acetone wash.. to ensure a clean product.
but remember.. alot of the MDMA on the market.. isnt even close to pure.. and alot of people skip steps that cause people to get sick.. i went on a festival/show run from 2007-2013.. n i found that only the select few have clean shit. . but wen i find clean.. i buy as much as he will allow to be honest.. usually just a 8th or something..

but remember alot of the dudes making it arent real chemists.. just some dude with lab equipment.. and some directions.. and those dude can end up killing/poisoning tons of people BADLY.

this entire MOLLY MOVEMENT is horrible.. no1 knows what there taking.. and there isnt a way to prove that its only MDMA.... most stuff sold as MOLLY.. on the streets is M1.. or meth .

the M1 is causing early onset parkinsons. so becareful
i remember back in 96 we had to explain molly..its exctasy,you dolt!..molecule powder? havent heard of it...
the molly "movement" happened and died waaay before all you guys decided it was cool...
why do people take RC M1? lol. its a research drug.. that hasnt been released nor do we know all the side effects..

but mdma.. has been around forever.. and used to be made by pharma companies. used for couples therapy/marriage counseling back in the early 1900s
why do people take RC M1? lol. its a research drug.. that hasnt been released nor do we know all the side effects..

but mdma.. has been around forever.. and used to be made by pharma companies. used for couples therapy/marriage counseling back in the early 1900s
same reason people took lsd before it was considered "safe"..and mdma,mda,nbome..everything was "ghasp" a research chem at one time...
MDMA was first synthesized in 1914 but was not used in humans until likely sometime in the 50s or 60s, possibly even the 70s when psychedelic drugs were really first being explored by western science. I know Shulgin had considered the structure before being introduced to it.
"around the 100mg mark....":-)
MDMA was first synthesized in 1914 but was not used in humans until likely sometime in the 50s or 60s, possibly even the 70s when psychedelic drugs were really first being explored by western science. I know Shulgin had considered the structure before being introduced to it.
If you're in Europe you should have drugs coming out of your ass. The only excuse for not being able to get drugs is living in Australia.
i just had a load of the purple magnets, lab tested at a average 190-220mg per pill, i still managed 7 of the fuckers in 12hrs, go hard or go home...........
MDMA was first synthesized in 1914 but was not used in humans until likely sometime in the 50s or 60s, possibly even the 70s when psychedelic drugs were really first being explored by western science. I know Shulgin had considered the structure before being introduced to it.
Def before 1970. Syd barret was practically fried by then ;)
And sandoz had it on shelfs in 38 or 46 or some shit. Lol. But people werent frying on it then? U only had to take 4 to blast off... I believe they were 25 mics a pill
