Any martial artists round here?

Where i trained many years ago, we trained falls... but it never really occurred to me to use them offensively! Thanks for the lightbulb moment. :)
redonks....does his harsh ass breakfall look necessary? no.....why abuse just to abuse. counter productive. do that 1000 times and if you still have technique im pretty sure youll do that to yourself in the middle of the street after tossing an attacker.....not adviseable
Start your firearm training all of your firearm education from the start of firearm history move up through firearm history then you come to have universal grasp of firearm knowledge I play with everything from flintlocks including a sweet blunderbuss I customized out the ass all through my colt 1860s to my ak n m16 a1

I have no use or need or use for antique firearms. Refrain from mentioning your ownership of a Title 2 weapon. I dont understand why I would need to bother with a caseless smoothbore weapon?. Just keeping up with modern techniques, gear and ammo, takes ALOT of time.
redonks....does his harsh ass breakfall look necessary? no.....why abuse just to abuse. counter productive. do that 1000 times and if you still have technique im pretty sure youll do that to yourself in the middle of the street after tossing an attacker.....not adviseable
it wouldn't be something i'd want to use often, if ever. I was just excited at the novelty of seeing a fall used offensively... to see something in a new light/context. And that's what it's really about: context. Flinging your whole body at the ground is generally a bad idea. Then again, if you can use an offensive fall in the right context, why not? I would much prefer to use my feet or hands or knees, rather than just flopping backward onto a grounded opponent. Seems like the flop would surrender the advantage of line of sight, and "give up your back," which usually isn't good.
I have no use or need or use for antique firearms. Refrain from showing me how much badasser you are with your pimp Title 2 weapon. I dont understand why I would need to bother with a caseless smoothbore weapon? Because I can clearly not see the point of principle and understanding something from the core or beginnings.
Just keeping up with modern techniques, gear and ammo, takes ALOT of time.
tell me refrain hahaha
It's usually youngsters that say things like this point of this thread wasn't guns in the first place however when my 1860s are still firing accurate as hell over a century after production half of the homeboys fucking modern guns jammn on the range and yes my blunderbuss does have a smoothbore but how many fucking guns you got that you can fucking smash a beer bottle down the barrel and shoot it in someone's face
I love you people man when was your last firefight Cause I hasta square some bitch up out in the az with his silly 9s evicted the foolfor the homegirl Becky I been shot stabbed and everything else fool was a career criminal on the streets in Los Angeles for a long time done all those things you do in video games
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tell me refrain hahaha
It's usually youngsters that say things like this point of this thread wasn't guns in the first place however when my 1860s are still firing accurate as hell over a century after production half of the homeboys fucking modern guns jammn on the range and yes my blunderbuss does have a smoothbore but how many fucking guns you got that you can fucking smash a beer bottle down the barrel and shoot it in someone's face

what a pussy
N I'd still look after y'all pot nerds in prison getcha stond keep ya safe cause I'm just that cool ;) I like nerds
what a pussy
On a sidenote I can load my ball and cap Pistols with everything from Cayanne pepper and rocksalt some windshield glass, dragons fire in solid rod if I load survivalist firestarter magnesium rods in little 5/8 of an inch inch sections into my lemat which by the way is a nine around 41 caliber revolver that rotates around a 20 gauge shotgun it's going down the bottom side of that revolver barrel there