Any love for vaping through water?

Well-Known Member
Vaping through water might just as well be the best way to use cannabis, hands down.
Does anybody agree?
Pair a powerful butane vaporizer together with a small recycler rig or similar, and you have a system capable of delivering face-melting hits while saving your lungs from a lot of stress.

Advantages of adding water filtration:
1. cools down the vapour
2. moisturizes the vapour
3. filters particles that make it past the screen
4. can take bigger hits
5. looks cool

Potency and flavour of the vapour are basically unaffected.

Check out this little set up (in the picture), and let us know what you think:
1. Bubbler with in-line, 8-slit percolator
2. Air-powered Jet-Flash pre-cooler by Blaze Glass
3. 100% natural rubber adapter
4. Vortex stem on a Titanium DynaVap tip

You can read more about vaping through water here:

Check out our selection of bubblers, waterpipes, bongs, ash catchers, pre-coolers, butane vaporizers!

The Team @ Bongify.nl20211127_095706.jpg
I prefer dry vaping, just feel like it's tastier.
Doesn't it feel too harsh?
I find the Sticky Brick Runt to be on the harsh side without some sort of water filtration. Dynas are ok, but I tend to go something like 2-3 seconds past the click; water seems to help me take a bigger hit - literally from "ready click" to "cooldown click" in one go. Perhaps 2-3 maximum 4 cycles per bowl, then everything is extracted.
I also noticed that on hardcore vaping days (20-25 Dynavap bowls for example) I get a sore throat if not using water.
i've got all kinds of vapes. it's just not the same buzz.

nothing beats a good rip thru a water bong IMO. guess i'm old school.

is it Olliebollen season over there yet? been to AMS many times. best city in the world.
I while ago I had to stop smoking, unfortunately. Take it with a pinch of salt, but I also had a pretty hard-core trip on shrooms and I was told to stop. Let me tell you, at first, I was gutted. I thought about vaping, but I owned many electronic vaporizers in the past, and felt the same way as you.
Then I got my hands on a Dyna and a Sticky Brick.
At first, it was... ok. Now, after a couple of years, I tell you I don't regret quitting smoking at all. In fact, with 25+ years toking on my shoulders, I can pretty much say that I really learned what's a pure weed high just now.
As a European I was used to mixing with tobacco. Joints, but mostly chilums with live resin or bubble hash. So, probably, if I had been smoking pure weed, I would have a different view. Not sure if you smoke pure.
But, IMHO, the buzz you get from a vape is just as good or even better. Yes, you feel more "stoned" with combustion, but I wonder if that's due to carbon monoxide.
Plus, I'm now saving a lot of weed: If I vape the same amount I'd put in a bong bowl, I get pretty high. Then, I collect reclaim and dab it, and use the AVB for ethanol extractions, edibles, and so on.
Doesn't it feel too harsh?
I find the Sticky Brick Runt to be on the harsh side without some sort of water filtration. Dynas are ok, but I tend to go something like 2-3 seconds past the click; water seems to help me take a bigger hit - literally from "ready click" to "cooldown click" in one go. Perhaps 2-3 maximum 4 cycles per bowl, then everything is extracted.
I also noticed that on hardcore vaping days (20-25 Dynavap bowls for example) I get a sore throat if not using water.

I use a Lotus, 2019 Flip Brick and a Dynavap. Sneaky Pete Predator v.3 glass recycler without water for the Lotus and Brick. But the Dyna I use with a Glass Charlie glass stem. I also have a Fury Edge and a Pax 3 as pocket portables and a Solo 2 for vaping while cooking. The portables are harsh and could probably benefit from water, but I only use them outside. The rest of them I don't have a problem with, very smooth.
Nice collection of vapes you have.
I agree, adding a waterpiece to your portables would make them not so portable.
I'm using a Runt with and without mini-bubbler. Without, I have to unplug the little cork and let some fresh air in every now and then, otherwise it's too harsh. With bubbler, on the other side, it becomes super smooth and I can clear a 0.3 bowl in maybe 2 or 3 rips max.
Dynas are sort of ok dry, but I find that especially on the second or third hit (when most of the terpenes are gone) water helps.
What I do sometimes is take that first, mouthwatering hit dry, and then use it through water.
On the the moment I'm using a dry Dyna (usually the basic M)...but I'm probably going to buy something like a DreamWoods Glow soon.
how much is the adapter for the dyna vap that fits into the bong in your 1st pic? and what size? 14mm or 18mm male??
how much is the adapter for the dyna vap that fits into the bong in your 1st pic? and what size? 14mm or 18mm male??
The bong is a 14mm female, but the adapter fits 14mm and 18mm. I think we have some glass adapters left in stock if you like, while we're restocking on the rubber ones. In general, adapters are cheap, 2 or 3 euros maximum.

I'll post something as soon as we get the new ones in. In the meantime, if you'd like to give it a try, you can take an eyedropper (some of them are made of cheap plastic - avoid them; others are made of decent rubber - that's what you are looking for), cut out the rubber part, poke a hole through it, and you have a quasi-universal WP adapter. I used one for months and it works wonders.

Other stoner engineering-type solutions for a quick WPA are:
1. Wrapping a rubber band several times around the ending of the stem of a Dyna until you reach the desired thickness
2. You know those earplugs made of some sort of memory foam? Cut out a section and poke a hole through it, then use it as a WPA
3. I've seen some 3d-printed WPAs, but the material they are made of is not so good and doesn't seal perfectly
I think smoking is real harsh now. I don’t really pull my flower vapes through water I feel they are smooth enough. Plus I have a habit of breaking nice glass…
The rare times I take a hit from a friend's joint/blunt after +2 years vaping I find it to be tolerable in terms of harshness, but almost unacceptable in terms of taste. It tastes like... I don't know... snorting an ashtray, or something. And I mean no disrespect to the smokers; I've been a smoker most of my life and love cannabis in any of its forms/delivery methods.
I know what you mean about breaking glass , it happens too often! It's still a good excuse to get a new piece, though, especially if it is not too expensive.