I guess I could say I'm a lightworker, as is everyone else, but I don't give myself that title or any other. I'm also an elevener, and sometimes psychic, and always a scientific thinker. I'm open to alternative ideas, and I don't start to consciously believe in something until I've analysed and researched, then seen real world proof of it first hand. I don't ever call myself a psychic, and don't ever tell anyone I am, but I do tell anyone about my experiences. most people don't listen to a word I say, but that's their choice. my role on earth is to have these experiences. therefore, I usually sit back and enjoy! when I start having deja-vu and remembering things about a dream, I sometimes amuse myself with it. I analyse my memories and try to remember as much as possible (not very much). I never stop wondering if it is just my brain making odd connections making myself think I've had past memories of live experiences. I'm a tough critic, but I enjoy doing it. I believe our brains shut out unbelievable amounts of information, including a few of these special abilities. bringing this information to the concious is part of our evolution. we will eventually have the technology to activate these portions of our brains and speed up our natural evolution. at that point, we will be at the dawn of a blindingly bright new era, or an equally dark one. I believe time exists all at once and plays out in different ways for our experience, and we influence it with our free will as we go. some things are meant to happen, and always find a way to happen. I've had precognitive dreams since long before having my first smoke, although, a majority of my precognitive experiences have been while high. it just makes it that much more enjoyable of an experience. I've had some good deja-vu while completely sober and alert. I could possibly just be crazy, but who cares. it doesn't hurt anyone and I enjoy believing. no one can force you to believe a word I say, but it is for you to experience yourself if you are meant to. your experiences in life aren't any better than mine, and neither are mine better than yours. they're all just different experiences we're all put here to have. so go
on believing what you want to believe and make the best of it.