Any LED growers out there?


ok thanks hopefully he will have some good useful info for me .... most people i ask say there useless but then there are the few who love them ....hoping to find a veteran who has use them and has advice on if there worth it yeilds any good ect.


Ive been looking into it and it seems possible to have a good grow op with lots of leds and confined grow space however I wanna know how to figure it out. HID and CFLS are easy. Lumens light are easy to add up but they dont apply to leds to how do you know how many of a certain type of led per plant or led per square foot of grow room.

It would switch from CFL to LED to use even less power. I'm allready almost up to a KW with my CFLS and fans.


yes i have seen thats its possible but was hoping someone with led use experience good and or bad could give some good advise . maybe someone could help us both its still early im sure someone will be on soon :-)


I'm thinking about something like this.

It says its 14 watt and says good for about 2 square feet so I would probably get one per plant or something similar. When you look at some of the leds on ebay from china there pretty cheap but there always the risk of them being crap. I wonder if anyone has just went to radio shack and got a huge circuit board or bread board and rigger up a significant amount of leds. You would need an adequate power supply and cooling fans but maybe a possible alternative to buying expensive ones?

Does anyone have an educated guess of a required led wattage for veg and for flowering? ie. watts/sq.ft If making a custom setup one would also have to consider light spectrum for veg and growing.

Once I learn more I just wanna buy some shit and start experimenting. The cfls are workin out for me but the watts adds up quick to the point where you might as well have HID. Im also paying 20 bucks for 6, 25 watt 1600 lumen cfls anyways and the last ones i bought 2 of 6 burned out the first 2 weeks on me. Not gonna buy that brand again.


Well-Known Member
I have been researching LEDs for a little bit. The only thing that constantly comes up is that using the cheap as LEDs you find all over ebay will almost certainly result in failure.

These are highly reviewed:

and of course the stealth products...

You get what you pay for with LED's. All things considered even the expensive units are not that much in the long run. No fans, no hoods, no AC, NO BULB REPLACEMENTS and HALF the power consumption. I am very close to pulling the trigger and seeing what they can do.


I have actaully been looking into this all night, i think im gonna fab up my own prototype. Im going to the store in 2 hours when it opens to look at packages of leds and power supplies, A cricuit board or something else to mount atleast 25 leds too, i cant wait. Ill take 2 clones and put them under it. If i get it going ill take some pictures and post. I figure the only way to learn about them is to start doing it and I'm big on building my own shit instead of buying. Ive grown outside and with cfls, never tried HID but if LED has a future whats the point to deal with the heat created and energy required for HID. Im going to the store in 2 hours when it opens to look at packages of leds and power supplies, i cant wait.


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Well-Known Member
14w panels are bullshit. Don't waste your dough. You'll need to find something with at least 2, preferably 3 watts per diode to get proper coverage. I'm using the Pro-Grow line from Happy with the results. Check my journal in my sig to see what they've done for me thus far. I just ordered another 180 pro grow, should be here soon. Also they have a 3 year warranty. After doing much research and checking other people's grows I concluded this was the best light with the best warranty for the dough.


Ive decided to rig up a homeade led light as an experiment. Check out the picture. Right now I only have a power supply capable of 3, 4.5 6, 7.5, 9, and 12 volts with 500mA max. I cant light up all of my leds with this SO does anyone have suggestions for a power supply or how to make one. I'm not sure about totaling up the voltage on these leds and figuring that out either. I still need to do some reading.

Ive got a bunch of 8mm white leds, 5 mm blue and reds but with my power supply right now I can only light up 2 8mm and2 5mm.



Well-Known Member
I've read the advanced LED lights are legit. I would be wary of lighthouse/blackstar. People on here seem to have good results from them but the general consensus is they lie about the actual wattage of their lights, i.e. a "240w" light only takes in 135w including the power necessary to run the cooling fans. By comparison my 180 Pro-Grows take in 130w of actual power so a 180 basically performing at the rate of another company's 240. It isn't about how much the leds could produce, so much as at what percent of the total capacity they are being fired by the drivers.

Being new to this tech myself I've done exhaustive research and concluded the most important factors to consider are actual wattage pull, where the diodes are made (not sold, made), lens viewing angle, and of course warranty and proven results from multiple journals. 95% of the leds on ebay are cheap pieces of shit designed to make an easy buck off people who haven't done proper research. I will not look to ebay next time I'm in the market for an LED grow light.

Some of my information derived from this thread -

My plants and I personally dig the pro grow series from hydroponics hut. As I said above, have also seen journals with quality results from advanced led.


Active Member
completely satisfied with my GLH Spectra 290w. Saw them in a few threads here and pulled the trigger so I could grow over the summer.


Active Member
It seems it's very difficult to figure out a magical formula of LED such as W/G ratio, distance, coverage and penetration. I've read every journal I can on every forum related to LED and see that every light is specific to performing to it's maximum in it's own ideal way. I will admit though that I do see a reoccurring pattern and that's multiple smaller wattage performing better that single higher wattage. I'm sure that has do to the light hot-zone of each panel and over layering of optimal coverage.

From my research it appears that LED can out perform HID in enclosed spaces while pulling slightly lower watts and additional savings on cooling and ventilation. Then further add a much higher resin production and the initial investment isn't so bad. I'm actually just now jumping on using LED's and have invested in Blackstar 240 panels. It's not a high end panel but it shouldn't have any issue hitting .7G/W. If things work out I will work my way up to 4 panels for some decent coverage for my situation.

My house is hot in the summer time and at a bear minimum I have a solution for growing in these summer months when battling heat could be a issue.