Any input on Dutch lighting innovation's diode series?

He emailed back, still not answering my original basic questions.
With 4 of our 315s in there, you have about 275 micromol/m2s.
That works fine for Veg, although 400 micromol/m2s is what we normally advise.
For flowering we always advise a lightlevel of about 800 micromol/m2s.

If you’d replace the 4 x 315’s by 4 x DLI LED’s you go up in lightlevel to about 350 micromol/m2s.
6 LED’s in that room would give you 525 micromol/m2s.
8 LED’s in that room would give you 715 micromol/m2s.
10 LED’s in that room would give you 875 micromol/m2s.

I hope this information helps.
Let me know if you have any questions
If i get this right, he wants 10 leds at 500 each for decent light levels. Id say no way, you can do much better.
If i get this right, he wants 10 leds at 500 each for decent light levels. Id say no way, you can do much better.
Yeah, that seemed crazy like way to much light in there. He says they are more light than the 315s and I feel any more than 6 of those in there would be way overkill. I'm doing well with only 4 right now. He is just trying to sell me on more of them, but not answering my questions makes me not want to support the company he works for. At this point I'd rather go with another brand or stick to what I got. se como van actualmente los holandeses... pero antes usaban tecnologia philips en drivers (usaban los xitanium los drivers mas avanzados para aquella epoca con conectores wago a bordo) - y leds osram y cree en las que recuerdo del 2009...

PD... recuerdo tambien que tenian un sistema de ventilacion avanzado en sus lamparas... pero que creo no tuvo exito .... y no ventilaba lo que decian... hoy soy curioso por como habran avanzado... que sistemas pasivos usan... o sus sistemas activos... que ventiladores usan ...los disipadores elegidos para sistemas pasivos o activos (con ventilador)...

...ahora me imagino que gavita sera lo mas normal por alli... pero es solo una corazonada...

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