Any ideas?


Active Member
I have tried everything with correcting deficiencies and nothing has worked. This plants is growing in hydro. I am using GH flornova bloom at this stage.

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Well-Known Member
What type of Hydro?
The problem your having looks like a standard Nitrogen tox. Too much Nitrogen in your medium. Or they are staying too wet either one of them or both.

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Well-Known Member
Wooo some serious clawing going on....she looks to be foxtailing also... Temp? And light distance?


Active Member
Sorry forgot to add that in. The plant is sitting in a 5 gallon bucket with 2 gallons of water with an air pump oxygenating the water

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Well-Known Member
So a bubble bucket. How often is the air pump running? How big of pump and stone? What type of medium is it in? 2 gallons only of nutes.
That makes me think at that size there should be some massive roots. Only 2g of water can't be getting the base wet.
How often are you changing the water.
Are you checking ppm, ph?
Lots of things to consider with hydro.
How do the roots look? White, yellow, brown? I'm not familiar with your nutes personally can't help there.

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Well-Known Member
Flornava is thick brownish liquid I think, nevermind root color, If that's the nutes I think it'll make them brown.

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Active Member
Yes flornova is the thick brown stuff. I feed the plant a gallon of nutrients a week and refill with fresh water in between feedings. I keep it at 2 gallons between feedings because I didn't want to drown the roots. This is my first hydro setup . I keep the plant in the hydro clay pebbles.I have a ton of roots that are an off white color, but they look very healthy. I am using a 4 in round air disc with this air pump.

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Well-Known Member
Ain't no coming back from that much clawing. Sorry for your lost. If you try, it'll be a long battle that won't be worth it in my opinion.


Active Member
i don't feel it is bad enough that I should kill the plant. It is still flowering.

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