Any ideas?

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
If the pods are the ones with the orange hairs coming out of them in your pic your OK but if they start to raise and hang looking like a coconut they are male. cant tell 100 % though


Well-Known Member
yeah those are really hard to tell, i posted a pic of one of my hermies for you to compare too, its in your other thread, but il put it here also, compare it up to yours.


Active Member
yeah, the red hairs are coming out of the sacs. Is that what should happen on a female plant. Or does that mean it's a male or hermie?


Well-Known Member
super blurry, agreed with jonnie on this one, until there are some better pics I guess that's the verdict.


Active Member
i only have 2 other plants in the room. One no. It's def a girl. Pistils and all. the other I just found out is a male. but hasn't matured enough to pllenate. sacs were just starting ot form. My camera sux. i'll keep trying for a btter pic.

I just hate to ruin my good female by keeping this one in there. But what if it's a female as well? it has little hairs and balls coming out all over it. Delima


Well-Known Member
I suggest you back away from the plant 3 feet. Then take a few shots of it. Put them into Windows Paint and capture the key section. You will likely have a sharper image of the flowers, to show us.

But from what I see, I think it is hermie. But, it is just an educated guess. If it is hermie, in a couple days the balls will show the start of white flower petals. If it stays green then it is a leaf emerging.

Good luck,